Stacking the Shelves with a new book haul (19 Jan 2019)!

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Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!


Books I Bought This week

Never Greener by Ruth Jones

I’ve been wanting to read this book ever since it was first published so I’m happy to finally own a copy. I hope to get to read it soon.

The Innocent Man by John Grisham

I’m keen to watch the new Netflix series based on the crime in this book so when I spotted the book in a kindle daily deal this week I snapped it up. Usually when I watch a documentary like this I want to then read the book so I have this on my TBR ready now.

Unspoken by Luke Allnutt

I’m on a trial of Kindle Unlimited at the moment and I saw this short book mentioned on a review of the author’s novel We Own the Sky so downloaded it. I plan on reading this soon.


Books I Received for Review

The Confessions of Frannie Langton by Sara Collins

I keep seeing this book on various blogs so I’m thrilled to have my own copy now. I’m really looking forward to getting to this one, it sounds like my kind of book.

All the Little Lies by Chris Curran

I’ve read and enjoyed Chris Curran’s previous novels so am very happy to have a copy of her new one. This sounds so good and I’m really keen to read it very soon!

East of England by Eamonn Martin Griffin

This sounds a bit different to my normal reads but it’s set in a part of the country that I know quite well so that sold me on it. I’m on the blog tour for this one so I’ll definitely be reading it soon.



Have you bought any new books over the last week? Please tell me below. 🙂 If you join in with Stacking the Shelves please feel free to leave your link and I’ll make sure to read and comment on your post.

This Week in Books (16 Jan 2019)! What are you reading?


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.


The Suspect by Fiona Barton

I’m really gripped by this book, it’s my favourite Fiona Barton novel to date! I was engrossed in it most of yesterday afternoon and can’t wait to get back to it.

Only Child by Rhiannon Navin

I had a break from this novel for most of this week but I’m back reading it again now and hope to finish it soon. It’s a good read but I find the child’s voice and perspective a little too much at times.

Trauma: From Lockerbie to 7/7: How Trauma Affects Our Minds And How We Fight Back by Gordon Turnbull

I’ve read a couple more chapters of this over the last week and am still finding it fascinating. It’s a brilliant book.



The Language of Kindness by Christie Watson

I bought this as an audio book recently and listened to it over the last couple of days. It was an interesting book and gave an insight into different aspects of nursing. I didn’t love it as much as I thought I would but I would still recommend it.

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

This book was brilliant, it’s a perfect psychological thriller and I literally read it from cover to cover in one sitting! I’ve already reviewed this so if you’d like to know more you can read my thoughts here.

Into the Silent Sea by Claire Stibbe

I found this novel so gripping! It took me a couple of chapters to find my feet with it and then it became really hard to put down. I’ll be reviewing this one next week on my blog so keep an eye out for that soon.

Storyteller: The Authorised Biography of Roald Dahl by Donald Sturrock

I listened to this on audio book over the last week or so and really enjoyed it. It was so interesting to learn more about Roald Dahl and it’s made me want to go back and re-read all my childhood favourites by him, followed by his adult fiction that I’ve never read.

The Party by Lisa Hall

This was a quick and enjoyable enough read.

Ideal Angels by Robert Welbourn

This book is incredible! I’m going to be reviewing it on here tomorrow and am still tweaking my review because I loved it so much that I’m struggling to get my thoughts in order on the screen.

The Second Sister by Claire Kendall

This is the first novel I’ve read by Claire Kendall and I really enjoyed it. It wasn’t what I was expecting it to be but it kept me hooked all the way through. I’ve got The Book of You on my TBR so plan on trying to get to that soon.

The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton

I had this book on my TBR since March 2018 but I finally picked it up in the last week and I read it in one go! It was such a good read, and I loved it. I’ve already reviewed this book so you can read my full review here if you’d like to know more.



The Six Loves of Billy Binns by Richard Lumsden

I’m going to be on the blog tour for this in a couple of weeks time so I’m planning to read this in the coming week. I think this could be an emotional read for me but I’m looking forward to reading it all the same.

Need to Know by Karen Cleveland

This is an ARC that I’ve had on my TBR for quite a while so I want to try and read this in the next few days if I can. I’m really keen to get to it.

Tilly and the Bookwanderers: Pages and Co. #1 by Anna James

I got this for Christmas and have been saving it to read this week as I knew I’d want a comforting, easy read in the next few days. I feel sure this will be that book.

Matilda by Roald Dahl

This is a book I’ve always loved but I haven’t re-read it in a really long time so I think this week might be a nice time for me to pick it up again.


What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

This Week in Books (9 Jan 2019)! What are you reading this week?


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.


Only Child by Rhiannon Navin

I’ve had an unread ARC of this from NetGalley for longer than I should have but I finally picked it up this week and am finding it gripping so far.

Trauma: From Lockerbie to 7/7: How Trauma Affects Our Minds And How We Fight Back by Gordon Turnbull

I’ve been reading this one on and off for a week or so now and am finding it utterly fascinating. I’m always interested in reading about trauma having suffered from PTSD myself and this book is particularly good. This book looks at Turnbull’s career but also how he, and others in psychiatry, came to understand trauma and how best to treat it.



No More Plastic by Martin Dorey

I bought this in the kindle sale this week and it was an okay read. I was a little disappointed because I didn’t really learn anything that I didn’t know before but it is a good book to get you motivated to think more about how much plastic we use and to start doing something about it.

The Story Keeper by Anna Mazzola

This is such a fantastic novel – really atmospheric and gripping. I’ve posted my review of this on my blog today so please check that out if you’d like to know more.

The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert

I half read and half listened to this book and I very much enjoyed it. It worked really well as an audio book and I think listening to it heightened my enjoyment.

The Rumour by Lesley Kara

This book was so good! I found it near impossible to put down and loved every minute that I spent reading it. I hope to have my review posted in the next few days so please look out for that.

The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley

This was an enjoyable read, and is a perfect book for this time of year. I would’ve liked a bit more depth to the characters but none-the-less this is a page turner.

The Liar’s Girl by Catherine Ryan Howard

I loved this novel – it was thrilling and gripping and I couldn’t put it down. I’ve already reviewed this one so if you’d like to read my thoughts on it please click here.

The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock by Imogen Hermes Gowar

I got this book for Christmas and it was my first read of 2019 and what a read it was! I absolutely adored this novel and feel sure that it will make my top books of this year. I already want to read it again!



Ideal Angels by Robert Welbourn

This is a bit different to my usual reads so I’m really looking forward to reading it in the coming days, I think it’s going to be a good one!

Into the Silent Sea by Claire Stibbe

I’m on the blog tour for this one in a couple of weeks so am hoping to read it this week. I did read the opening chapter when the book arrived and I feel sure that I’m going to really enjoy this one.

Dirty Little Secrets by Jo Spain

I really enjoyed The Confession by Jo Spain so when I spotted her new one on NetGalley just before Christmas I couldn’t resist requesting it. It’s been calling to me ever since and I can’t resist any longer!



What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

This Week in Books (5 Dec 2018)! What are you reading at the moment? #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.


It Started With Christmas by Jenny Hale

This is an easy read and enjoyable enough but I’m almost halfway through it and it isn’t hugely festive as yet. I’m hoping that the second half of the book has all the Christmas!

Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield

This book is stunning! It’s the first time in a really long time that I’m deliberately reading a book slowly as I  don’t ever want it to end. It’s an incredible read, I think it will be making my top books of the year!

Chase Your Shadow by John Carlin

This is a really interesting book about Oscar Pistorius. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it or not but so far it’s a very well-balanced book that helps you understand his character and the South African justice system. It’s respectful of Reeva Steenkamp too which I appreciate.

Twenty-Six Seconds by Alexandra Zapruder

I haven’t read much more of this over the last week as I’ve been catching up on my blog tour reading and also Christmas review books. I’m still really enjoying though, it’s such an interesting book.


The Snowman by Michael Morpugo

I read this yesterday afternoon just before we put our Christmas tree up and it made for a lovely time. This is a new take on The Snowman and is a novella, I really enjoyed it.

Vox by Christina Dalcher

This ARC has been on my TBR for ages so I was glad to read it this week. It didn’t quite live up to my hopes though unfortunately. I don’t know if I’d just heard too much hype and my expectations were too high, or if it just wasn’t the book for me. I do plan on still reviewing this once I’ve got my thoughts in order.

Bone Lines by Stephanie Bretherton

This book was such a great read. It was a harder read than I was expecting but it rewarded my sticking with it and I loved it. I’m reviewing this for the blog tour in the coming weeks so look out for my thoughts but in the meantime I definitely recommend it.

Odette by Jessica Duchen

I adored this book! It’s based on a fairytale and set in modern day and it’s just beautiful. I knew I was going to enjoy it as soon as I picked it up but I didn’t realise just how much I was going to love it.

The Secrets You Hide by Kate Helm

I’ve been looking forward to getting to this thriller and ended up reading it in just two sittings! It was really good. I’ll be reviewing this one soon.

Mother of a Suicide by Joanna Lane

This book started off really interesting but ultimately it wasn’t for me. I think that for anyone who thinks they might be affected by the medial condition in the book this would be a useful read.

My Life in Football by Kevin Keegan

I listened to the audio of this and it was such a great book. It’s frustrating (and anger-inducing) as a Newcastle United fan to be reminded of all the failings of the current owner but it was fab to hear all Keegan’s other stories.

Under the Wig by William Clegg QC

I really enjoyed this book and have already reviewed it so you can read my thoughts here if you’d like to.

Believe Me by JP Delaney

I had an ARC of this but was struggling to get into it so I bought the audio book in a recent Audible sale. I enjoyed it more listening to it and it was an okay read overall.


No One Cancels Christmas by Zara Stoneley

I didn’t manage to get to this Christmas book when it was on my TBR last week but I’m definitely planning to pick it up this week. I’m really looking forward to it.

The Rumour by Lesley Kara

I wanted to predominantly focus on Christmas reading for the next three or so weeks but I’ve been hearing such good things about this book and it’s calling to me from my TBR!

Attend by West Camel

I’m on the blog tour for this later in December so want to try and read this in the coming days. I’m so keen to pick it up, it sounds like my kind of book!

A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg

My husband bought me the Vintage Christmas classics a couple of years ago and I haven’t managed to read them all as yet so I definitely would like to pick this one up in the week ahead.

What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

Non-Fiction November Wrap-Up! #NonFictionNovember2018


I always enjoy joining in with Non-Fiction November but the month always goes by so fast! This year I had quite a lot of fiction to read and review so couldn’t focus entirely on non-fiction but I still read more of it than I thought I would… sixteen non-fiction books in total!

Of my planned non-fiction TBR I managed to read:

Waco by David Thibodeau

This is a memoir of a man who survived the Waco siege. It’s a really interesting read and I recommend it.

The Vanity Fair Diaries: 1983-1992 by Tina Brown

I enjoyed reading this book and have actually already reviewed it so you can read what I thought here if you’d like to.

The Upstarts by Brad Stone

I listened to the audiobook of this and I have to be honest and say that I found it a little disappointing. It just wasn’t as engaging as I’d hoped it was going to be, although it was still interesting to read how companies like AirBnB and Uber got started.

Mercury and Me by Jim Hutton

Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K. White

Even though I am now finally winning the battle with clutter (ever since I did the KonMari method earlier this year my house is staying clutter-free) I still can’t resist reading books about it. There were some useful ideas in this book and I definitely recommend it.

Three Things You Need to Know about Rockets by Jessica Fox

I’d had this book on my TBR for years as I was saving it for the right time. Unfortunately though I just didn’t enjoy it all that much. It wasn’t what it felt like it was going to be and was lacking in something for me. It has had lots of good reviews though so it may well be that it just wasn’t for me.


I then completely deviated from my planned non-fiction reads and picked up these books too:

The Diary of Two Nobodies by Mary Killen and Giles Wood

I love watching Giles and Mary on Gogglebox so was really looking forward to reading this book by them and I’m so happy to say that I enjoyed it. They’re just how they are on TV and it was a joy to read this.

I Will Find You: A Reporter Investigates the Life of the Man Who Raped Her by Joanna Connors

This was a fascinating read about a woman who looks into the life of her rapist. She had buried her emotions for many years and then goes on a journey to know more about the man who attacked her. It wasn’t as emotional read as I was expecting but it was still very interesting and gripping.

I’ll Be There For You: The One About Friends by Kelsey Miller

I listened to the audio book of this and it was such a fun, nostalgic read. I recommend it to all Friends fans!

No Such Thing as Society: A History of Britain in the 1980s by Andy McSmith

This is another book that I’ve had on my TBR for such a long time but I’m so glad I picked it up because it was such a good read. It was really accessible non-fiction but it helps puts some things in context from the 80s with regards politics and what was happening at the time.

The Wicked Boy: The Mystery of a Victorian Child Murderer by Kate Summerscale

I’d forgotten I owned this audio book so when I spotted it in my Audible app during November I immediately started listening. I love Kate Summerscale’s writing and this book lived up to my expectations, it was so interesting.

How Not to be a Boy by Robert Webb

I got this book for Christmas last year and have been so badly wanting to read it so I’m glad to have read it in November. I really, really enjoyed this, it was even better than I thought it was going to be.

Life to the Limit: My Autobiography by Jenson Button

I was a huge F1 fan for many years and followed Jenson Button’s career in the sport. I’ve been wanting to read this book for ages so when it was in a recent sale on Audible I snapped it up. I very much enjoyed this book. It’s a really open and honest look at his career, and also a love letter to his late father.

Under the Wig: A Lawyer’s Stories of Murder, Guilt and Innocence by William Clegg QC

I downloaded this from NetGalley on a whim recently and I’m so glad I did as it was such a good read. I actually managed to review this straight away so you can read more of my thoughts here if you’d like to.

My Life in Football: The Autobiography by Kevin Keegan

I’ve been umming and ahhing about whether I wanted to read this book at the moment. I’m a Newcastle United supporter and the way the club treated Kevin Keegan, and the way the current owner is running the club makes it not fun at all. Anyway, I saw the audio book in a recent sale and decided to give it a go. It was such a good read, I’m glad I read it but it did make me so angry all over again at how he was treated. I definitely recommend the book though.

Mother of a Suicide: The Battle for the Truth Behind a Mental Health Cover-up by Joanna Lane

This book often pops up on recommendations for me in Goodreads so I finally picked it up just the other day. I don’t know what to say about this one. I feel for Joanna, and I admire her determination to find answers and her fight to get the medical profession to listen but the book felt like it needed editing. I also wish it’d had more of a sense of her emotion rather than just the facts of what was happening.



Did you take part in Non-Fiction November? Or have you read any good non-fiction recently? I’d love to know if you’ve read any of the books in my post, or if you have any non-fiction you can recommend to me. I’m always on the look out for new books. 🙂




This Week in Books (28 Nov 2018)! What are you reading at the moment? #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.


I’ve had a rough few days health wise with my asthma badly flaring up and as a result ending up on a course of steroids. Unfortunately I’m still struggling and I’ve had a reaction to the medication which has caused me to only sleep a few hours in total over the last few days. The only upside is the enforced rest has meant lots of reading and listening to audio books so I’ve got through a lot of books over the last week.




Under the Wig by William Clegg

I downloaded this on a whim recently when I spotted it in the Read Now section on NetGalley. I’m so glad I did because it’s a really interesting look at what it is to be a barrister, and also to work on high-profile cases. I’m really enjoying it.

Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield

I only started this last night so am only a couple of chapters in but I can tell I’m going to love getting lost in this novel. It’s beautiful and I’m so looking forward to reading more of it in the coming days.


Believe Me by JP Delaney

I got a copy of this from NetGalley but struggled to get into it so I bought the audiobook in a recent Audible sale and am enjoying it more now I’m listening to it. It’s not as good as I hoped it would be but it does have me intrigued and I’m keen to see how it’s all going to end.

Twenty-Six Seconds by Alexandra Zapruder

This is a fascinating read about Abraham Zapruder, the man who filmed the assassination of John F Kennedy. There is so much that I didn’t know about what the Zapruder family went through in the immediate aftermath, and for many, many years after. It’s such a good book and I definitely recommend it.





Snowy Nights at the Lonely Hearts Hotel by Karen King

This is such a lovely festive read, I really enjoyed it.  I read an ARC so I’ll definitely be reviewing this one soon.

Life to the Limit: My Life in Formula One by Jenson Button

I’ve been wanting to read this book for a while as I was always a fan of Jenson Button in his F1 days. I picked up the audio book in a Black Friday deal on Audible and immediately started listening to it. I very much enjoyed this book, it was a look back over Jenson’s whole career but was also very much a tribute to his late father. I definitely recommend this book to F1 fans.


Fukushima Dreams by Zelda Rhiando

This book was sent to me for review and I’m so glad I picked it up to read. It’s a beautiful and moving look at the aftermath of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan a few years ago. This book left such a mark on me and I feel it will be one I’m thinking of for a long time to come.

The Mother of All Christmases by Milly Johnson

I requested this on NetGalley recently and have been so keen to read it. I really enjoyed it. It wasn’t as Christmassy all the way through as I was hoping but it was still a wonderful read and I loved it.


Snowday by B R Maycock

This book gave me real comfort and escape on a bad night with my asthma and I really got swept away in this lovely wintery read. I’ll be reviewing this on my blog very soon so keep an eye out for that.

How Not to be A Boy by Robert Webb

I got this book for Christmas last year and have been so keen to read it. I finally picked it up at the weekend and read it over two days. I really enjoyed this, even more than I thought I would (and I had high hopes for it).


The Wicked Boy by Kate Summerscale

I’d forgotten I owned this audiobook but when sorting through my audible books on my phone I spotted it and while it wasn’t on my non-fiction November TBR it seemed fitting to listen to it this month. I found this to be such a fascinating listen and I’m so glad I picked it up.

Cross Her Heart by Sarah Pinborough

I’ve had this on my TBR since it was published earlier this year and I finally picked it up this week. I really enjoyed this one but it wasn’t quite as good as Behind Her Eyes. I do love Sarah Pinborough’s writing though and would recommend this one.


The Upstarts by Brad Stone

This was one of my non-fiction November picks and I listened to the audio book. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy this one as much as I’d hoped, it just didn’t really work for me.

The Christmas Spirit by Susan Buchanan

I really enjoyed this festive read, it was a lovely novella set in the lead up to Christmas. I’ll be reviewing this for the blog tour in December!





Bone Lines by Stephanie Bretherton

I’ve been really intrigued by this book so was delighted to be invited to read and review if for the forthcoming blog tour. I’m hoping to start this book in the coming days.

Attend by West Camel

Orenda Books can do no wrong in my eyes so I’m thrilled to have this book on my TBR for the week ahead. It sounds like such a good book and I know I’m in for a treat!


Odette by Jessica Duchen

I was also offered a copy of this book to read and review for the tour next month and I jumped at the chance. I’m fascinated to read this one and it feels like such a perfect read for these colder, darker days.

No One Cancels Christmas by Zara Stoneley

This is my next pick from my pile of festive reads and I’m really looking forward to this one.




What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

This Week in Books (21 Nov 2018)! What are you reading at the moment? #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.


I’ve had a brilliant week of reading so I’m hoping the week ahead will bring more of the same!


The Christmas Spirit by Susan Buchanan

This is my latest festive read and I’m really enjoying it.

Fukushima Dreams by Zelda Rhiando

I started reading this last night and it’s such a beautifully written book. It’s set in the aftermath of the horrendous tsunami in Japan a few years ago and follows a man and woman who have become separated from each other. It’s very dream-like and so good.

Twenty-Six Seconds by Alexandra Zapruder

This is another one of my picks for non-fiction November and I’m so glad I was able to pick it up this week. I started reading this yesterday and I’m three chapters in. It’s such a fascinating read, I had no idea what it was like for the Zapruder family living with the burden of the footage taken of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

The Upstarts by Brad Stone

This is also on my non-fiction November TBR as my audio book choice. It’s an interesting book to listen to and I’m enjoying finding out more about how Air BnB and Uber came to be.



Christmas Camp by Karen Schaler

This is a gorgeous festive read and I really enjoyed it. I do love when a Christmas book is full of the joys of the season so this was a lovely read. I’ll be reviewing it soon.

Bouncing Back with a Bang by Geraldine Ward

This is a powerful and moving poetry collection that I very much enjoyed. I reviewed it yesterday so you can read more of my thoughts on it here if you’d like to.

The Vanity Fair Diaries: 1983 – 1992 by Tina Brown

This was a non-fiction November pick and I’m really glad to have got it read this month as it’d been on my TBR for almost a year. It was enjoyable in places but particularly in the early part of the diary there were so many people that I had no idea about that it was a bit over my head. I’m in the middle of writing a review so my full thoughts will be posted soon.

No Such Thing as Society: A History of Britain in the 1980s by Andy McSmith

This is a non-fiction book about the 80s and I very much enjoyed it. A lot of things I already knew but this book helps put things into context that gave me new insight into some of the things that happened in the 80s. It’s a really accessible book and I recommend it.

The Present by DS Devlin

This is a crime fiction novel set near Christmas and while I really enjoyed the opening chapters, it did all fall a little flat for me after that. It was a fast read but it was missing something for me. I’ll be reviewing this at some point.

The Mystery of Three Quarters by Sophie Hannah

I had an ARC of this on my TBR but spotted the audio book on my audio subscription service so I half read and half listened to this. It’s the first Poirot novel that I’ve read by Sophie Hannah and I enjoyed it so I’ll definitely be looking out for the previous ones by her. I hope to get my review of this posted soon too.

I’ll Be There For You: The One About Friends by Kelsey Miller

I was looking for something light to listen to this week and this book caught my eye. I loved Friends back in the day and I’m now enjoying watching the repeats on Channel 5. This was a fun listen and I found out some things I didn’t know, and it was nice to think back over favourite episodes. I recommend this if you’re a Friends fan.

The List That Changed My life by Olivia Beirne

I loved this book. It was heart-warming and life-affirming and it was just a gorgeous book. I’ll be reviewing this for the blog tour next week so look out for that on Tuesday.



Snowday by B R Maycock

I’m so looking forward to reading this winter read. It sounds like a gorgeous book to curl up with on a cold snowy afternoon so this is the week for this one!

Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield

I was so excited when a proof copy of this arrived recently and I can’t wait any longer to start reading it! It feels like another perfect book for curling up in the chair with on a cold wintery day.

Cross Her Heart by Sarah Pinborough

I’ve had this on my TBR since it was published earlier this year and I’m just in the mood to read it so hopefully I’ll get to this one in the coming week.

Mansfield and Me by Sarah Laing

This book is on my non-fiction November TBR and I’d really like to read it soon. It’s been a while since I read a graphic novel so this should be a lovely change.


What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

This Week in Books (14 Nov 2018)! What are you reading at the moment? #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.



I’ll Be There For You by Kelsey Miller

I spotted this on my audio book subscription yesterday and couldn’t resist downloading it. I’ve been re-watching Friends since it’s been on Channel 5 and it’s made me nostalgic so this book is a fun look back at the series. I’m really enjoying it so far.

The Present by D.S. Devlin

I’ve got a lot of festive reads for this year but it still seems a little early to fully get into reading them so I’m starting with the crime novels set at Christmas. This one is really good so far, it hooked me straight away and I’m keen to get back to it asap!

The Vanity Fair Diaries: 1983 – 1992 by Tina Brown

This is one of my non-fiction November picks and also an ARC that I’ve had for absolutely ages so I wanted to make sure I got to it this month. I’m only a little way in but it’s an interesting read so far and I’m looking forward to reading more. I plan on dipping in and out of this book so it may be a little while before I finish it.

The List That Changed My Life by Olivia Beirne

This book is utterly wonderful! I knew I was going to enjoy but it’s even better than I was expecting. I’m so glad I picked it up and I already highly recommend it.



The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry

I bought this book when it was published and have held off reading it because I was saving it (I don’t know why I do this…) but it was calling to me this week so I picked it up. I devoured this novel, I utterly adored it and I already want to go back and read it all again.

I Will Find You by Joanna Connors

This is a non-fiction book about a woman who was raped and many years later she decides to find out what happened to her rapist. It’s a really interesting and honest memoir.

Three Things You Need to Know About Rockets by Jessica Fox

This was also on my non-fiction November TBR and I was so looking forward to it as I’d owned it for a long time and had such high hopes. Unfortunately, I found it a real let down. It just wasn’t what I thought it was going to be and so much of it got on my nerves. I see on Goodreads that a lot of people loved it so maybe it just wasn’t for me.

The Diary of Two Nobodies by Mary Killen and Giles Wood

This book was adorable! I love Giles and Mary on Gogglebox and their personalities just shine off the page in this book. I recommend this to all Gogglebox fans, it’s fab!

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke

This has also been on my TBR since it was published but I finally picked it up late last week. I part read it and part listened to the audio book and I absolutely loved it. It was a joy to read and I got so engrossed in it. I’m so happy that I finally read it and even though it’s enormous I think this may well be a book I re-read at some point!

Good Samaritans by Will Carver

This book was brilliant! I wasn’t sure what to expect going in to it but it’s gripping from the opening pages and is so dark and twisty but utterly compelling. I loved it. I’ll be reviewing it for the blog tour next week so keep an eye out for that if you want to know more!



The Christmas Spirit by Susan Buchanan

This coming week feels right for me to start reading my Christmas books so I’m beginning with this one. It looks like such a gorgeous festive novel and I’m really looking forward to it.

Twenty-Six Seconds by Alexandra Zapruder

I’m continuing with my non-fiction November picks too and next up I think will be this one as I’ve been keen to read it for ages. It looks like a fascinating read about the man who filmed the Kennedy assassination and what happened to his family as a result of owning that piece of film.

Snowglobe by Amy Wilson

This looks like a beautiful, magical winter read and feels like a perfect book for this time of year so I’m excited to get lost in this one. I think it’s a middle grade book and I haven’t read anything like this for such a long time so I think it’ll be a wonderful escape.

How to be Human by Ruby Wax

This is another pick for non-fiction November and I really do want to get to this soon. It’s a review book and one that I’ve put off until I knew I was in the right head space to read it. I think I’ll aim to at least start it in the coming days.




What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

This Week in Books (5 Sep 2018)!


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.



Narcissism for Beginners by Martine McDonagh

This book has such a great cover, it really drew me to it! I only started this book late last night so am only a little way into it but I can tell this is going to be a book that I really enjoy.

How We Remember by J. M. Monroe

This is another book with such a great cover, and I’m pleased to say the novel is living up to how good the cover looks. It drew me into the story really quickly and I’m enjoying learning more about the characters as the book goes on.

Dark Pines by Will Dean

I started this book a couple of weeks ago and then put it down for some reason but I’ve picked it back up this week and am enjoying it.



Leave No Trace by Mindy Mejia

I finished this book just yesterday and I loved it. I adore Mindy Mejia’s writing! I’m on the blog tour for this so my review will be posted next week!

Darling by Rachel Edwards

I listened to the audio book of this and really enjoyed it. It wasn’t a book I was particularly interested in reading but I got engrossed in it really quickly and found it kept me gripped all the way through. I recommend it.

The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Living Guide by Francine Jay

I am always drawn to books about decluttering and minimalism and this is my latest read. I thought this book was okay but if I’m being honest I’ve read other books that are more useful. It was lovely to read a book like this now I’m definitely on the other side of being somewhat of a hoarder and can see the progress I’ve made this year.

The Secret Lives of the Amir Sisters by Nadiya Hussain

I listened to this on audio and it was an enjoyable listen. It was easy to listen to and easy to follow but didn’t have a huge amount of depth to it. It was a nice way to pass a few hours though.

The Dry by Jane Harper

I loved this book! I read it in just a couple of sittings and found it completely and utterly gripping. I have the second book in the series on my TBR and it’s already calling to me!



Perfect Liars by Rebecca Reid

I was sent a copy of this by the publisher recently and have been so looking forward to reading it so I think this coming week is going to be the week!

The Constant Gardener by John Le Carre

I’ve never read any John Le Carre but have been wanting to read this novel for absolutely ages so am going to put it on my TBR list this week and hope that I can make time to start it. It feels like it’ll be an engrossing read.

Lies Between Us by Ronnie Turner

I’m so excited to have an ARC of Ronnie Turner’s first novel and have been keen to read it asap. I can’t wait any longer and am going to make it one of my next reads! It sounds like exactly my kind of book so I feel sure I will love it!



What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

Stacking the Shelves with a brand new #bookhaul (25 Aug 2018)!

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Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!


It’s been a really busy and chaotic three weeks here so I haven’t done a stacking the shelves in that time. I’ve still been acquiring new books though so here is a haul from the last three weeks!



The Light Between Us by Katie Khan

I was so thrilled to find out that I’d won a giveaway of this book and it made my day when it arrived. It’s a gorgeous hardback, with a crystal and a note from the author. This is a book I will treasure and I can’t wait to read it.


Social Creature by Tara Isabella Burton

I’ve been so keen to read this book so I treated myself a couple of weeks ago and I’m hoping to get to read it soon. It feels like it’s going to be one of those books that once I start it I won’t be able to put it down.


All the Hidden Truths by Claire Askew

I pre-ordered this book and I read it in two sittings as soon as it appeared on my kindle. It was such a compelling and devastating read. It’s very well written and it’s a book that is staying with me so I recommend it.


Dark Pines by Will Dean

I’ve heard so many good things about this book so I finally gave in and bought a copy. I’ve started reading it but it’s been a busy time and I haven’t fully got into it. I’m going to make time to read a chunk of it over the weekend though as I feel sure I will love it.


Skin Deep by Liz Nugent

I love Liz Nugent’s writing, all her novels have been brilliant so I couldn’t resist buying this new one. I hope to have time to sit and read this one very soon.


Lies Between Us by Ronnie Turner

I was super excited to be invited to be on the blog tour for Ronnie’s debut novel and when I got the NetGalley widget emailed to me this week I immediately downloaded it. I’m really looking forward to reading this!


Narcissism for Beginners by Martine McDonagh

Hasn’t this book got such a great cover? I was sent a copy of this to review and I’m planning on reading it in the next couple of weeks. It sounds a bit different to my usual reads and I think I’m going to very much enjoy it.


Love & Fame by Susie Boyt

I jumped at the chance when I was offered a copy of this to review for the blog tour as it sounds like a very me book.


Perfect Liars by Rebecca Reid

I’m so thrilled to have been sent a copy of this book as it sounds like exactly my type of read. I’m really enjoying thrillers at the moment so this definitely won’t be on my TBR for very long at all!


The Last by Hanna Jameson

I’ve seen this book around on social media and have been so keen to get my hands on a copy of it. It was so exciting when the publicist messaged me to offer me a review copy and I can’t wait to read it!


Do Not Disturb by Claire Douglas

I loved Claire Douglas’ first novel and have now got all her other books on my TBR but couldn’t resist when her new novel was sent to me by the publisher. I think this will be a fast-paced read and I can’t wait to get to it!


The Snowman by Michael Morpurgo

I was so intrigued by this new edition of The Snowman as I grew up with the picture book and the gorgeous TV adaptation. I’m really interested to see what the experience of reading a new adaptation as a novel will be. I’m saving this to read on a dull afternoon when I can be all cosy with a blanket and just get lost in this book.


The Flower Girls by Alice Clark-Platts

I requested this on NetGalley as the premise really sounds so good! I was thrilled when I got the approval email and I’m so keen to read it. The book’s not out until next year though so I’m going to try and read some more of 2018’s releases before starting this one.


The Light in the Dark by Horatio Clare

I was delighted to be offered the chance to read this book. It’s a mediation on winter and as soon as I read the blurb it just called to me. I feel like this will be a book that I get a lot out of.


Leave No Trace by Mindy Mejia

I squealed when the publisher emailed me about this book as I loved Mindy Mejia’s previous novel The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman (you can read my review here if you’d like to). I actually started reading this late last night and am sure I’ll be finishing it today!


Histories by Sam Guglani

This book came into my life in a serendipitous way… I’d literally just read a great review of it and knew it was a book that I needed to read and then not two minutes later I saw the publisher offering copies for bloggers to review on twitter! I think this will be a very moving read, but also an important one.


Inhuman Resources by Pierre LeMaitre

I’ve seen this book on social media and have been having serious envy as I love Pierre LeMaitre’s writing. You can just imagine my sheer joy when this gorgeous hardback arrived on my door mat yesterday! This definitely won’t be on my TBR for long, I can’t wait to read it!


Have you got any new books recently? I’d love to know. Have you read any of the books in my book haul? Are there any that you recommend me getting to sooner rather than later? Feel free to leave a link to your own Stacking the Shelves post in the comments! 🙂

Stacking the Shelves with a new #bookhaul (4 Aug 2018)!

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Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!

The Psychology of Time Travel by Kate Marcarenhas

I was offered the chance to read this book by the publisher recently and I can’t tell you how excited I am to read it! I’ve heard such great things about it and I’m keen to read it as soon as possible.

Trap by Lilja Sigurdardottir

This was a lovely surprise in the post a few days ago from the lovely Orenda books. I loved the first book in this series Snare (you can read my review here if you’d like to) so I’m thrilled to have the second book arrive. I’ll be reading this one soon too.


Him by Clare Empson

I requested this book on a whim when it was recommended to me on NetGalley and I was delighted when I got approved. It sounds like the kind of book I’m really loving at the moment so I have high hopes for this one.

The Rumour by Lesley Kara

I read a fabulous review of this on Jill’s Book Cafe recently and loved the sound of the books so much that I immediately pre-ordered it. I then – completely coincidentally – got an email from NetGalley offering me a copy so I downloaded it right away. I don’t think this will be on my TBR for very long as it’s calling to me from my kindle already!


The Dead Ex by Jane Corry

I bought this in the kindle sale at the end of July as I loved Jane Corry’s previous novel and liked the sound of this new one. It might be a while before I get to this but I am looking forward to it.

One Click by Andrea Mara

I signed up to Kindle Unlimited again this week as I was offered three months free so when I spotted this book on there it was the very first book I downloaded. I actually started reading it last night and am really enjoying it.

Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood

I’m a huge fan of The Tempest so have been wanting to read Atwood’s adaptation of it ever since it was first published. I finally treated myself to it this week and am so looking forward to reading it.



Have you got any new books recently? I’d love to know. Have you read any of the books in my book haul? Are there any that you recommend me getting to sooner rather than later? Feel free to leave a link to your own Stacking the Shelves post in the comments! 🙂


This Week in Books (1 Aug 2018)! #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.



No Place Like Home by Rebecca Muddiman

I was delighted to be sent a copy of this book as I love Rebecca Muddiman’s writing. This is a standalone novel and it’s so intriguing. I started it last night and I have no idea where the story is going to go, which I’m loving!

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge

I’m still finding this book really interesting but it’s a book that I feel I need time to digest so I’m reading it a chapter at a time and taking time in between to mull over what I’ve read.



Old Baggage by Lissa Evans

I adored this book! I’m mid-way through writing my review but I always find it hardest to review the books I’ve loved. This was one of those novels that I never wanted to end because I was enjoying it so much. I definitely recommend it.

You Let Me In by Lucy Clarke

I’m a big fan of Lucy Clarke’s writing – her first novel Sea Sisters is one of my favourite books so I always eagerly anticipate her latest. I spotted this one on NetGalley the other day and immediately downloaded it. I read it over the weekend and really enjoyed it. It kept me on my toes and I was gripped from start to finish!

Baby Doll by Hollie Overton

I’ve had this book on my TBR for a couple of years now and finally picked it up this week. Unfortunately, it wasn’t really a book for me and I didn’t really enjoy it. It was fast-paced but the story was just didn’t grab me as much as I wanted it to.

Boy Erased by Garrard Conley

I listened to the audio book of this over a couple of days and found it such a fascinating memoir. It was hard to listen to at times but I’m so glad that I finally got to this. I believe that it’s been made into a film very soon so I’ll be looking out for that.

Bluebird, Bluebird by Attica Locke

I’ve had this on my TBR since last year and am kicking myself for not picking it up sooner as I loved this book. It was dark and gripping and so believable. I’m definitely going to be reading more of Attica Locke’s novels soon.

Illusion of JusticeL: Inside Making A Murderer and America’s Broken System by Jerome F. Buting

My husband and I binge-watched The Staircase on Netflix recently and when it finished were looking around for something similar. We discovered Making a Murderer (I know, we’re so late getting to this) and we were both shocked at how the case was prosecuted. Once we’d finished I wanted to know more about the case and the American court system and this was the book I found. This was a fascinating book and so well-written, I absolutely recommend it.



The Psychology of Time Travel by Kate Mascarenhas

I’ve seen fab reviews of this book on some of my favourite blogs recently so have been wanting to read this one. I was thrilled when the publisher contacted me and offered me a copy and I can’t wait to get started reading it.

Overkill by Vanda Symon

This is another book that I was sent from the publisher and I’m so keen to read it. It sounds like my kind of read!

One Click by Andrea Mara

I’ve been wanting to read this book for ages so when I spotted it on my Kindle Unlimited subscription I downloaded it right away. It sounds like a fab summer thriller so I’m hoping I can get to it this week.



What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

Stacking the Shelves with my latest #bookhaul (28 July 2018)!

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Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!


The Lion Tamer Who Lost by Louise Beech

I was thrilled to receive a copy of this book as I love Louise Beech’s novels; she’s one of my favourite authors and it’s always such a treat to have a new book of hers to get lost in. I’ll be reading this one very soon.

The Seven Rules of Elvira Carr by Frances Maynard

It was lovely to be offered an ARC of this novel as I’d seen it around and it seems like my kind of book. I’m really looking forward to reading it.



When I Hit You by Meena Kandasamay

I’ve been aware of this book but wasn’t sure if it was for me. I spotted it in a kindle deal earlier this week though for 99p so decided to try it. I think I’ll need to be in the right mood for this one but hopefully it won’t be too long before I read it.

The Beautiful Bureaucrat by Helen Phillips

I was offered a copy of this for review and as soon as I read the blurb I immediately said yes, it sounds like such an intriguing and interesting book.



The Wives by Lauren Weisberger

This package arrived as a complete surprise! It arrived when I was having a bad day so it was perfect timing to cheer me up! It’s a copy of The Wives along with sunglasses, some delicious sweets and a pink nail varnish. I’m really excited to read this novel!




Have you got any new books recently? I’d love to know. Have you read any of the books in my book haul? Are there any that you recommend me getting to sooner rather than later? Feel free to leave a link to your own Stacking the Shelves post in the comments! 🙂

This Week in Books (18 July 2018) #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.



The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager

I pre-ordered this book months ago (as I loved his first novel Final girls) and I’ve been eagerly anticipating it ever since so I was thrilled when I spotted it on my kindle the other day. I started reading this yesterday and am gripped!

Do No Harm by Lucy V. Hay

I enjoyed Lucy’s previous novel last year so am excited to be reading her new book now. It’s a great mystery thriller that is keeping me guessing. I’ll be reviewing this for the blog tour next week so look out for my thoughts then.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge

I’m finding this book fascinating and unsettling, it’s such an important book and I recommend it to everyone.



An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lapena

I picked this up on Monday afternoon and I devoured it all in one sitting. It was such a brilliant read and I loved it.

The Possible World by Liese O’Halloran Schwarz

I read this on pigeonhole and really enjoyed reading just a few chapters each day over the last week. This novel is so beautifully written; it was very moving and is a book that I know will stay with me. I’m definitely going to be buying a physical copy to have on my bookcase.

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

This novel was good but it left me feeling really grubby. I’d recommend it if you like Flynn’s writing but it’s not my favourite of her novels. I’m keen to start watching the new TV adaptation though to see how it translates on screen.

F*** You Very Much by Danny Wallace

I finally finished reading this book a few days ago and to be honest I’m just relieved to be done with it. There were some really interesting ideas in the book and I enjoyed those elements but there was too much of the hotdog story, which spoilt the book for me. It was all a bit of a muddle – not serious enough and not funny enough – it just felt a bit of a mess and neither nowt nor summat as us Yorkshire folk say. I’m not sure I’ll pick up anymore books by Danny Wallace but I’d still recommend this if you’re a big fan of his.



Old Baggage by Lissa Evans

I think I had this on my TBR for the previous week but I just didn’t manage to get to it so I’m adding it to this week’s plans. I am very much looking forward to reading this.

Mansfield and Me by Sarah Laing

I treated myself to this graphic non-fiction book last week from an indie publisher and I’ve been keen to read it right away so I’m going to make time to sit and read this over the coming days.

You Were Made For This by Michelle Sacks

This is a netgalley book that I’ve been keen to read ever since I was approved for it so I’m planning to read it over the next week.



What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

Stacking the Shelves with a new #bookhaul (14 July 2018)!

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Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!


I didn’t manage to post a Stacking the Shelves last week so this book haul is from the last fortnight. I’ve had a tough couple of weeks with various things happening so I did treat myself to quite a few new books…


The first four in my post today are books that I’d had on my wish list for ages and decided to treat myself to them last week. They all arrived together and I’m really looking forward to reading them soon.


I Like You Just Fine When You’re Not Around by Ann Garvin

The Good Goodbye by Carla Buckley

Hugo and Rose by Bridget Foley

Wrecked by Maria Padian

A Noise Downstairs by Linwood Barclay

I was sent an ARC of this book last week and I read the whole novel in one sitting earlier this week. Once I picked it up I literally couldn’t put it down, I simply had to know what was going on! I’m part way through writing a review so hopefully I’ll get that posted in the next week.

The Great Unexpected by Dan Mooney

This book arrived this week and was a total surprise. It says on the blurb that it will appeal to people who loved The Easy Way Out (you can read my review of this here if you’d like to) which I did really love so I’m definitely adding this one to my TBR.

How to Remember by J. M. Monroe

I was offered the chance to receive an ARC of this book and I immediately said yes as I am always drawn to books that explore grief and complicated family relationships. I’m really looking forward to getting to this book.


Mansfield and Me by Sarah Laing

I treated myself to this graphic memoir from @eyeandlightning books over the weekend. I hadn’t heard of this indie publisher before but they had a great offer on at the weekend and I saw this memoir and I knew I had to get my hands on it. It arrived yesterday and it’s beautiful, I can’t wait to read it.

My husband took me out for coffee this week and I spotted a bookshop so we had to go in! I’m working on my standing again at the moment and I managed to stand up with my crutch to look at the books in one section of the shop. I felt like deserved a reward to I treated myself to these three books…

Blame by Jeff Abbott

This book was a (sort of) cover buy as I’d never heard of it before but the cover is so striking that I noticed it immediately. Once I read the blurb I knew I had to get it. I’m really enjoying twisty thrillers at the moment so I expect I’ll be reading this one soon.

The Lost by Mari Hannah

I love Mari Hannah’s writing so I’ve been meaning to grab a copy of this book for a while now. It seemed the perfect time to buy it this week so I’m keen to read it as soon as possible.

The Day She Disappeared by Christobel Kent

This has also been on my wish list ever since it first came out so I was thrilled when I spotted it on the shelves.


No Further Questions by Gillian McAllister

This was a kindle pre-order from a while ago and it appeared on my kindle last week and I’m so keen to read it soon. I might pick it up as soon as I’ve read the couple of review books that I have on the go at the moment.

Into the Black by Rowland White

I’ve always been obsessed with space travel so when I spotted this book about the space shuttle Columbia in the kindle sale I snapped it up. It’s quite a long book so I might start it soon and dip in and out of it.

The Accusation by Zosia Wand

I love Zosia Wand’s previous novel Trust Me (you can read my review of Trust Me here if you’d like to) so when I saw she had a new book out I couldn’t one-click fast enough! I don’t think this will be on my TBR for very long!

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

I’ve yet to read anything by Celeste Ng (although I do have her previous book on my TBR) but I feel sure she’s an author I’ll love. I grabbed this book in a kindle deal earlier this week and I’m so keen to read this. I think I might make this the first book I read by this author.

Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin

This book passed me by when it was on the Man Booker International long list but I’ve recently seen a review of it that made me really want to read it so I decided to treat myself.

The Flight of Cornelia Blackwood by Susan Elliot Wright

I requested this on NetGalley as I was really intrigued by the blurb so I was thrilled when I was approved to read it. The novel’s not due out until next year so I might try and hold off reading it for a little while yet. I am really keen to read it though!


Bookworm by Lucy Mangan

I treated myself to the audio book of this as I was having a really bad day and wanted a book that would pick me up a bit. This book was perfect and I utterly adored it. I think the author is a similar age to me as she read so many of the same books as me in childhood so it was a real trip down memory lane.

Worth Dying For: The Power and Politics of Flags by Tim Marshall

I bought this on a whim when it was an Audible deal of the day last week. I’ve read other books by Tim Marshall and found him really informative but easy to follow so I was keen to read more by him. This one sounds fascinating and I’m hoping to listen to it soon.



Have you got any new books recently? I’d love to know. Have you read any of the books in my book haul? Are there any that you recommend me getting to sooner rather than later? Feel free to leave a link to your own Stacking the Shelves post in the comments! 🙂


This Week in Books (11 July 2018)! #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.



Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

This is one of those books that I was certain I’d already read but when I saw the advert for the new TV adaptation it wasn’t familiar to me at all. So I looked it up on my Goodreads and alas I haven’t read it! I’m reading it now though and am hooked! As soon as I’ve finished the novel I’ll be watching the TV series and hoping it lives up to the book.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge

I’ve had this on my TBR for a while and after finishing The Hate U Give this week I wanted to pick up some non-fiction about race and this one caught my eye.

F*** You Very Much by Danny Wallace

If I’m to be honest I’ve only read one chapter of this since last week but I am planning to finish it so I’m adding it to my current reading again this week. The idea of this book is really good but the execution isn’t just hitting the mark for me.



A Noise Downstairs by Linwood Barclay

I picked this book up yesterday mid-afternoon and I read it in one sitting, I just couldn’t put it down. It’s the best book I’ve read by this author and I recommend it. I hope to get a review written for it very soon.

Bookworm by Lucy Mangan

I treated myself to the audio book of this a couple of days ago and I’ve loved listening to it. Lucy must be a similar age to me because we have so many books in common from childhood; it made this a lovely read down memory lane. I think this will be a book I go back to when I need some comfort listening. The only thing now is that I want to get copies of all the childhood books I loved and no longer own!

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

I finally picked this book up over the weekend and I can honestly say that it’s a book that deserves every single plaudit that it’s received. It’s a brilliant novel and one that will really stay with me.

The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning by Margareta Magnusson

I listened to the audio book of this as my obsession for all things de-cluttering continues. It was an okay book but it didn’t give me any great insights or advice so it I don’t think it’s a book that will stick in my head. I’d recommend it if you’re new to reading about de-cluttering though.

A Patient Fury by Sarah Ward

I loved this book! It was so great to be back with DC Connie Childs again and to work through another crime mystery with her. I’ve already reviewed this so you can read more of my thoughts here if you’d like to.



An Unwelcome Guest by Shari Lapena

I didn’t manage to get to this book this week as I planned but it’s definitely going to be the very next book I start. I’m so looking forward to this, it sounds brilliant!

Old Baggage by Lissa Evans

I was sent a copy of this book to review recently and I’m so keen to read it so I’m going to add it to my pile of books for the coming week.

This Week in Books (4 July 2018)! #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.




A Patient Fury by Sarah Ward

I was planning to finish this last night but the England match took over and I didn’t get chance to do any reading! I am gripped though so will definitely be finishing this today. It’s such a great read. My review will be on my blog on Sunday as part of the tour but I can already say that I’ll be recommending it!

F*** You Very Much by Danny Wallace

I’ve read a few more chapters of this in the last few days but I’m finding it a bit hit and miss. I will be finishing it but it’ll be a book I keep reading bits of in between other books.



Brave by Rose McGowan

I listened to the audio book of this and I’m sad to say that it wasn’t for me. I thought I would find it an empowering listen but it just felt too self-indulgent and uncomfortable to listen as a result.

A Life of Crime: Memoirs of a High Court Judge by Harry Ogdall

This is another audio book that I picked on a whim and I very much enjoyed this one. It was fascinating to listen to and I really recommend it.

Best Day Every by Kaira Rouda

Yet another audio book and I’m sorry to say that I was a bit disappointed with this one. I found it quite slow-going and it was a bit too predictable for me. I did like the writing style though so I will be looking out for more books by this author in the future.

The Curious Heart of Ailsa Rae by Stephanie Butland

This was also an audio book and I very much enjoyed this one. It’s such a lovely, heart-warming novel and it found me at the perfect time. I’m now going to make sure I read the author’s previous novels soon.

The Death of Mrs Westaway by Ruth Ware

This was the first book that I read via Pigeonhole and I really enjoyed the experience of reading a few chapters each day. This book worked perfectly in that format and I enjoyed reading it.

Her Name Was Rose by Claire Allan

I really enjoyed reading this thriller, it was fast-paced and when I wasn’t reading it I wanted to get back to it to find out what was happening. I’m in the middle of trying to write a review on it so hopefully I’ll be able to get that posted on here soon.



Do No Harm by Lucy V. Hay

I’m on the blog tour for this novel later this month and as I’m keen to read it asap I figured I would make it one of my next reads.

An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lapena

I love Shari Lapena’s novels so am thrilled to have an ARC of this one to read. It’s been calling to me from my TBR since it arrived a couple of weeks ago so I think I’m going to start it in the next few days.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

This is one of my planned #20BooksofSummer so I think I’ll be picking this up as soon as I finish my current read. I’m really looking forward to this one.



What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

Stacking the Shelves with a new #bookhaul (30 Jun)!

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Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!

My TBR has increased again this week… I do need to get back on track with reducing my TBR but for now YAY for fab new books! 🙂

Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman

I’ve seen this book on social media and have been intrigued by it so when I spotted it as a read now on NetGalley I snapped it up. I’m really hooked on thrillers at the moment so I plan to read this one very soon.

The Golden Child by Wendy James

This is another book that I spotted as read now on NetGalley and it sounded like a really prescient novel so I couldn’t resist downloading it as well.

I Did It For Us by Alison Bruce

I’ve kept seeing this book around and the cover really intrigues me so I grabbed this one on NetGalley too.

Only Ever You by Rebecca Drake

I bought this book online this week as it’s been on my wish list for ages and I thought I deserved a treat. The premise of this book sounds so good and I hope to squeeze it in between review books soon.

Where The Missing Go by Emma Rowley

This book has been reviewed on some of my favourite blogs recently and every time I see it I want to read it so I decided to buy it on Kindle this week. It’s already calling to me so I don’t think it’ll be long before I read it.

My Mother’s Secret by Sanjida Kay

I loved Sanjida Kay’s first novel so when I saw this book on Amazon I immediately one-clicked! I don’t know when I’ll get to this one but hopefully it’ll be before too long.

Home Fires by Kamila Shamsie

Home Fires has been on my radar for so long but I hadn’t got around to buying a copy so when I spotted it in a daily deal this week I grabbed it. I feel like I’ll need to be in just the right mood to read this one but I’m definitely looking forward to getting to it.

Believe Me by JP Delaney

I read and reviewed JP Delaney’s first book The Girl Before (you can read my review of that here if you’d like to) when it came out and so when I spotted a new book I couldn’t resist downloading it from NetGalley. I’m really intrigued by the blurb for this book, it sounds very fast-paced so I expect to read this soon.

Old Baggage by Lissa Evans

I received a copy of this gorgeous book in the post yesterday and I was thrilled as I’ve been so keen to get my hands on this novel. It sounds wonderful and I plan on reading it whilst sitting out in the garden in this lovely weather we’re having at the moment.



Have you got any new books recently? I’d love to know. Have you read any of the books in my book haul? Are there any that you recommend me getting to sooner rather than later? Feel free to leave a link to your own Stacking the Shelves post in the comments! 🙂



This Week in Books (27 June 2018)! #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.



The Death of Mrs Westaway by Ruth Ware

I just started reading this last night and am only four chapters in so far but it’s got me very intrigued and I’m looking forward to reading more soon.

Her Name Was Rose by Claire Allen

This is the main book that I’m reading at the moment as it’s got me gripped. I only started this yesterday too but I just don’t want to put it down.

F*** You Very Much by Danny Wallace

I haven’t read any more of this book over the last week but I definitely plan on making it more of a priority in the coming week.



Girl Up by Laura Bates

I’m way older than the target age for this book and yet I still got so much more out of it than I was expecting. I wish this book had existed when I was a teenager and it’s definitely a book that I’ll be recommending for teenagers from now on.

The Afterlife of Walter Augustus by Hannah M. Lynn

This book was so wonderful, I adored it! It was different to anything I’ve read recently and I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m saving my review for the blog tour in July but I can say now that I highly recommend it.

The Craftsman by Sharon Bolton

I read this book in just a couple of sittings and I loved it. It was one of those books that pulls you in and keeps you gripped all the way to the end.

Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier

This was such a great thriller and I very much enjoyed it. I read most of it in one sitting because it was so fast-paced that there just wasn’t a moment where I felt I could put it down as I just wanted to know what was going to happen next.



Toxic by Nicci Cloke

I’ve had this on my TBR for a few weeks now and the stunning summery cover is really making me want to pick this up during this heatwave. It sounds like a good YA thriller too so I’m sure I’ll fly through this one!

Watching You by Lisa Jewell

I love Lisa Jewell’s writing so I was thrilled to get approved to read this on NetGalley recently and I don’t think I can wait any longer to start reading it.

Ivy and Abe by Elizabeth Enfield

This is a bit of a change from the crime fiction and thrillers I’ve been reading recently and I’m just in the mood to add this one to my currently reading. I love novels that explore the idea of fate and whether we’re destined to meet certain people in our lives.



What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

Stacking the Shelves with my latest #bookhaul (23 June 2018)!

new sts.png

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!

I’ve acquired some new books in the last couple of weeks so I decided to join in with Stacking the Shelves today to share my book haul!


I’m really trying to reduce my TBR this year but I couldn’t resist buying a few books this week so here is my latest book haul…




The Girls Who Went Away by Ann Fessler

This is one of those books that I stumbled across when browsing online and it sounded so interesting that I immediately ordered it. I hope to read this one soon.

Your Closest Friend by Karen Perry

I’ve read and enjoyed Karen Perry’s books in the past so when I spotted this new one at the bargain price of 99p for Kindle I immediately downloaded it.



Missing Pieces by Laura Pearson

I’ve seen some wonderful reviews of this book on some of my favourite blogs recently and I’ve been meaning to see if it was available on NetGalley but on Thursday this week I noticed it was release day so I treated myself to a copy. This sounds like it could be a really emotional read but it’s definitely one I want to read very soon.

Less by Andrew Sean Greer

I’ve heard so much about this book and always been intrigued but somehow haven’t bought a copy. So when one day this week I spotted it on the kindle daily deal I snapped it up. I don’t know when I’ll get to read this but hopefully it won’t wait too long.


The Chosen One by Howard Linskey

I’ve read some great reviews of this book and saw the author tweet that the book is 99p on kindle at the moment so I immediately downloaded a copy. I think this is part of a series and I can’t remember where I’m up to but I hope to read this one soon anyway.

Nutmeg by Maria Goodin

I was sent a review copy of this book just yesterday and it’s such a beautiful looking book that I can’t wait to start reading. It sounds like a moving and magical novel so I’m keen to start it.



Have you got any new books recently? I’d love to know. Have you read any of the books in my book haul? Are there any that you recommend me getting to sooner rather than later? Feel free to leave a link to your own Stacking the Shelves post in the comments! 🙂

This Week in Books (20 June 2018!)! #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.



Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier

This book is so good!I requested it on NetGalley after seeing a lot of bloggers raving about it and it is more than living up to its hype so far!

F*** You Very Much by Danny Wallace

I’m still dipping in and out of this one and really enjoying it now. It’s amusing in places and shocking in others but altogether a good read.

The AfterLife of Walter Augustus by Hannah M. Lynn

This book is fab, I’m really enjoying it. It’s making me think about the idea of the afterlife and how it all works, and I love the characters.

Girl Up by Laura Bates

I’m reading this one as and when I’m in the mood to come back to it but I’m still finding it interesting. I wish it existed when I was a teenager.



A Deadly Thaw by Sarah Ward

This novel was brilliant, I devoured it! I already can’t wait to get started on the next book in the series, A Patient Fury, and expect to pick that up in the next couple of weeks.

The Lido by Libby Page

I found this to be such a gorgeous and moving read, it stole a piece of my heart! I’m still trying to compose my thoughts into a review but hopefully I’ll get something written and posted very soon.

The Date by Louise Jensen

I loved this book! It was gripping and unsettling and I literally read it in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down. I posted my review of this yesterday so you can read more of what I thought here if you’d like to.

The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn

This book was different to what I was expecting it to be but I did really like the writing style. I’m hoping to get my review finished and posted by next week.



The Craftsman by Sharon Bolton

I treated myself to the hardback of this in the week it was released so I’m really keen to read it. I love Sharon Bolton’s writing so I’m sure I’m going to love this book!

Let me Lie by Clare Mackintosh

My husband bought me the hardback of this for Easter and I’m so keen to read it. It’s one of my #20BooksOfSummer so I’m hoping to can get to read it this week.

In Bloom by C. J. Skuse

Sweet Pea was one of my favourite books of last year so I was thrilled to hear that a sequel was coming out soon. I was so excited when I got approved to read it on NetGalley and I simply can’t wait any longer to read it!



What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂

Stacking the Shelves (16 June 2018)! #BookHaul

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Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!

I’ve acquired some new books in the last couple of weeks so I decided to join in with Stacking the Shelves today to share my book haul!


F*** You Very Much by Danny Wallace

I’ve been wanting to read this book ever since I first heard about it so I bought it on kindle last week and am already reading it. Initially it wasn’t quite as good as I hoped it was going to be but it’s definitely living up to my hopes now I’m a bit further into it.

The Listener by Rachel Basch

I bought this after it was recommended to me this week and I’m really looking forward to getting to it.

How Music Got Free by Stephen Witt

This book has been on my wishlist for ages and I finally bought a copy this week. Ive heard really interesting things about this book so I’m curious to read it.

The Things We Learn When We’re Dead by Charlie Laidlow

I saw a fab review of this book on Ali – The Dragon Slayer‘s blog a little while ago and the book has been swirling around in my head ever since so I finally decided to download a copy for my kindle. I hope to read it soon.

The After Wife by Cass Hunter

I saw a few people tweeting about this book on release day on Thursday and when I looked the book up I was so intrigued that I had to buy it.

To The Bridge: A True Story of Motherhood and Murder by Nancy Rommelmann

This was my Prime choice for June – I spotted it on a recommendations email from Amazon and decided to make it my pick for the month. I’m not sure when I’ll get to read this but hopefully soon.


The Reading Room by Fenella Gentleman

This book has been on my radar for a few weeks so I was thrilled when a blogging friend sent me her copy. I am really looking forward to getting lost in this novel very soon.

Vox by Christina Dalcher

I have seen this book all over social media and have been so keen to get my hands on a copy. I was super excited when my NetGalley request got approved this week and I can’t wait to get started on this one.

In Bloom by C. J. Skuse

I read and loved Sweet pea when it came out so I actually squealed when I got approved on NetGalley to read the follow up novel! I will definitely read this one very soon, it’s already calling to me from my TBR mountain!

A Patient Fury by Sarah Ward

I’m going to be reading this book very soon as I’m on the blog tour for the paperback release next month.

Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier

I’ve heard about this book on some of my favourite blogs in the last couple of weeks so I couldn’t resist requesting it on NetGalley. I’m so happy to have been approved and this is another book that I plan to read very soon.

You Were Made for This by Michelle Sacks

This is another book that I kept seeing on twitter so I requested it on NetGalley. It sounds like a fascinating novel and I’m eager to read it soon.



Did you get any new books recently? I’d love to know. Have you read any of the books in my book haul? Are there any that you recommend me getting to sooner rather than later? Feel free to leave a link to your own Stacking the Shelves post in the comments! 🙂

This Week in Books (13 June 2018)! #TWiB


Today I’m taking in part in This Week in Books, which was started by Lipsyy Lost and Found! If you want to join in you just need to share what you’re reading now, what you’ve read over the last week, and what you hope to read next.




The Afterlife of Walter Augustus by Hannah M. Lynn

I’m really enjoying this book, it’s such a refreshingly different read and is one I love getting back to.

The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn

I’ve had this on my TBR for a while now and finally picked it up yesterday. It’s not quite what I was expecting but I love the writing so it’s keeping me hooked.

F**k You Very Much by Danny Wallace

I bought this just the other day and started reading it right away. I’m not enjoying it quite as much as I hoped I would but it is interesting to read more about how rudeness spreads, it does make you think.

Girl Up by Laura Bates

I’ve been reading this on and off for the last couple of weeks and am enjoying it. It’s a book that I would recommend for teenagers, and parents of teenagers. I wish it had existed when I was young.



The Fear by C. L. Taylor

I devoured this book in one sitting this week, it was such a thrilling read. I’ve already reviewed it so you can find out more about what I thought here.

Our House by Louise Candlish

This was one of my picks for #20BooksOfSummer and I really enjoyed reading it. I’m a big fan of Louise Candlish’s writing anyway and this book was a great read.

Stay With Me by Ayobami Abedayo

I’ve had this book on my TBR since it was published and I’ve held off reading it because I thought it might be a difficult read for me. I’m so glad that I finally picked it up though as I adored the writing and found it quite a cathartic read.



The Lido by Libby Page

This is my next pick from my #20BooksOfSummer TBR and I am so looking forward to reading this one. I have a feeling it’s going to be a book that I adore!

The Date by Louise Jensen

I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this from NetGalley so I’m really keen to read it as I’ve loved all of Louise Jensen’s books so far and this one sounds excellent!

A Deadly Thaw by Sarah Ward

I’m on the blog tour for the third book in this series next month and have just realised that I haven’t read the second book yet. I do like to read books in order where I can so I’m squeezing this book in this week. I very much enjoyed the first book so I’m looking forward to read this one!



What have you been reading this week? I’d love to hear. And if you take part in This Week in Books of WWW Wednesday please feel free to leave your link below and I’ll make sure to visit and comment on your post. 🙂


Stacking the Shelves with my May Book Haul!

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Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!

It’s been a while since I joined in with Stacking the Shelves; it’s partly because I’ve not been blogging regularly for the last few months but also because I’m not buying so many books at the moment (although I did acquire rather a lot of books in May, hence this haul!).

So, here are all the books that I got in May…

The Wanderers by Meg Howrey

I’ve read really mixed reviews of this book but it still sounds really appealing to me so I decided to buy a copy.

Don’t Make a Sound by David Jackson

I really like David Jackson’s previous novels and this new crime thriller sounds brilliant so I couldn’t resist buying this. I hope to read this soon as it’s a kindle book and I can fit it in around the print books that I’m reading for my 20 Books of Summer challenge.

The Man Who Didn’t Call by Rosie Walsh

I didn’t think this was my kind of read but I kept hearing great things about it so I bought it and read it straight away; I honestly couldn’t put it down and really enjoyed it.

The Craftsman by Sharon Bolton

I couldn’t resist treating myself to this hardback as I love Sharon Bolton’s writing and have been waiting for this book to be released.

Big Bones by Laura Dockrill

I’ve seen quite a bit of hype around this book and I had to get a copy to see what the fuss is all about. It does sound like a lovely YA novel with a body positive message.

Exit West by Mohsin Hamid

I’ve been interested in reading this for a while but have read mixed reviews about it so couldn’t decide. It ended up in a kindle deal recently so it seemed a good time to buy it!

Only Fools and Stories by David Jason

I love David Jason – especially his roles as Del Boy and Inspector Frost so I bought this book as soon as I saw it. I think it’ll be a nice book to curl up with one evening and I’m looking forward to it.

Left and Leaving by Jo Verity

I’ve been sorting through my huge wish list recently and when I re-read the blurb for this book it sounded really good so I bought it on kindle.

You, Me and Everything by Catherine Isaac

I just bought this the other day because it was on offer for kindle at 99p and I decided to give it a go as I’ve seen lots of good reviews of it.

The Poetry Pharmacy by William Sieghart

This was a bargain buy that I was really happy to spot as I was sorting through my wish list and discovered it was the kindle daily deal on that very day so I snapped it up! I think this will be a lovely book to dip in and out of, and if I enjoy it I will buy a physical copy.

The Songs of Us by Emma Cooper

I saw the author tweet that it was her ebook publication day this week so I went straight to Amazon and one-clicked as it sounds like a really intriguing premise. I hope to get to this one over the summer as it sounds like a good, summer read.

The Lying Game by Ruth Ware

The premise of this book grabbed me as soon as I read the blurb so I had to get a copy. This is another ebook purchase so I’m hoping to read it in between my planned print summer reads in the coming weeks.

Fatal Weekend by Tom Rubython

I was a huge fan of Ayrton Senna and so after watching some documentaries about him on the anniversary of his death earlier in May I decided to look and see if there were any new biographies of him. I found this one so bought it and read it straight away. It was a decent read but not the best biography of Senna.

The Reservoir Tapes by Jon McGregor

I got Reservoir 13 for my birthday earlier this year and whilst I haven’t read it yet I still couldn’t resist buying this book as I do love Jon McGregor’s writing. I hope to get to both books before too much longer.

Ivy and Abe by Elizabeth Enfield

This is a review book that I got from NetGalley, I think it’s due out later this month so I plan on reading it soon. It sounds like a lovely, comfort read and I feel sure I’ll enjoy it.

The Date by Louise Jensen

This is another NetGalley book also due out later this month. I love Louise Jensen’s writing so I couldn’t resist downloading this one. I’ll definitely be getting to this very, very soon!

Thirteen by Steve Cavanagh

I’ve had my eye on this book ever since I first heard about it earlier this year so I was thrilled when my wish was granted on NetGalley recently. I actually read it as soon as I downloaded it and thought it was brilliant. I’ll be posting my review soon.

Watching You by Lisa Jewell

I love Lisa Jewell’s writing so this was another book that I requested on NetGalley as soon as I heard about it. It sounds like a great read so I’m eager to get to it soon. I think it’s due out in July so not too long to wait.

Snap by Belinda Bauer

I was thrilled when I was sent a copy of this in the post. I read the novel in one sitting earlier this week and I loved every minute that I spent reading it. I’m hoping to finish and post my review in the next week or so but I can say that I highly recommend Snap!

Toxic by Nicci Cloke

I adore the cover of this book and when I read the blurb I was very keen to get my hands on a copy as soon as possible. I was so happy when NetGalley approved my request! I’ll be reading this a little bit nearer publication date as it’s not due out until the end of July.

Falling Short by Lex Coulton

This book arrived as a total surprise recently and it sounds like a really good read so I’m adding it to my TBR. Hopefully I’ll get to it soon!

Did you get any new books recently? I’d love to know. Have you read any of the books in my book haul? Are there any that you recommend me getting to sooner rather than later? Feel free to leave a link to your own stacking the shelves post in the comments! 🙂

My Weekly Wrap-Up (4 Feb)!

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted


This week started off okay but has been a bit rubbish latterly. It’s affected my reading and so far I haven’t read a single thing in February – not even a chapter of a book let alone an entire book. I did finish a couple of books before January ended so have read those this week but it’s not been a good week. I’m hoping my concentration returns very soon so that I can get back to my reading.

My MacBook has had another wobble, which has made blogging quite difficult. I’m so glad that I do prepare some posts in advance so that I can edit them on my phone but it makes it hard to keep up with reading blogs and commenting. We think the issue with my MacBook is something to do with a recent software update so it’s trial and error at the moment trying to find a workaround until a patch is released.


This week I’ve finished reading two books:

Spaceman by Mike Massimino

This book was a surprise birthday present from my husband and I adored it. It grabbed me from the first page and I didn’t put this book down from that moment on until I finished it. It’s such an interesting insight into astronaut training at NASA and I think it may well be a book that I re-read at some point.

Winter by Ali Smith

This took me a while to read because my copy was very tightly bound, making it hard for me to hold, but it was actually nice in a way to be forced to read slowly and to savour it because it’s a brilliant novel. I love Ali Smith’s writing and I think this might be my new favourite by her!


This week I’ve blogged four times:

My Weekly Wrap-Up Post

My WWW Wednesday Post

My January Wrap-Up Post

My Birthday Book Haul


This is what I’m currently reading:

A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton

I’ve been intending to start re-reading this series for a little while now but learning of the death of Sue Grafton in December really made me think I needed to make an effort to pick the books up again. I do love Kinsey Millhone, she’s a great character and I’m really enjoying being back in her world.

The Note by Zoe Folbigg

I read the first couple of chapters of this book before I hit my slump and was enjoying it so I’m looking forward to getting back into it.

The Innocent Wife by Amy Lloyd

This book is really good and I’m so intrigued about where it’s going to go so I’m very keen to pick this back up. I don’t want my mood to affect my reading enjoyment though so I’ve been waiting until my head was in the right place again.

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

I’ve not read anymore of this since last week but I hope to get back to this one very soon as non-fiction is often the thing that gets me back reading after a slump.



How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂




My Lovely Birthday Book Haul!


It’s Stacking the Shelves day! Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!

It was my birthday last weekend so today I’m sharing my birthday book haul! I was very spoilt for my birthday with lots of lovely gifts including some fabulous new books! My husband collects records in the same way I collect books so we understand each other and he never minds giving me books as gifts. I feel incredibly lucky!



The gorgeous hardback of Three Things about Elsie by Joanna Cannon! I did put this on my wish list as I read a proof copy and loved it so much that I knew I had to have a finished hardback as well.



Spaceman by Mike Massimino

I’ve already read this book – I started it as soon as I finished opening my presents and I loved it so much. It’s such a good book, especially if you love the space shuttle and want to know more about how astronauts train.



Endless Beach by Jenny Colgan

I love Jenny Colgan’s books so I was super happy to open this gift. I’m excited to escape into this book soon.



The Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night by Jen Campbell

I’ve had my eye on this book for a while but hadn’t actually seen it in real life until I opened my gift – it’s such a gorgeous naked hardback. I’m really looking forward to reading this short story collection!



Relish by Prue Leith

I love Great British Bake Off and had seen Prue Leith interviewed on TV a couple of times while that was on and it seems like she has had a fascinating life. This book was such a surprise but I’m really keen to read it (it’s a doorstop of a book though so it might take me a little while!).



The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim

This book is so gorgeous and it’s one I’m really intrigued to read soon. I’ve spent a lot of time over the last 18 months or so working on health stuff and that includes regular mindfulness and mediation so this book seems like it will be a perfect read for me.



The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie, Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie, N or M? by Agatha Christie, By The Pricking of My Thumbs by Agatha Christie, and Postern of Fate by Agatha Christie

I’ve been enjoying re-reading some Agatha Christie books in recent years but I somehow never read the Tommy and Tuppence series so I’m looking forward to reading this set of books.



Inside the Wave by Helen Dunmore

This poetry collection sounds like it will be an emotional read but it’s a book I definitely want to read when I’m in the right frame of mind for it. I was excited to get a copy of it for my birthday.



Reservoir 13 by Jon McGregor

I’ve been so keen to get hold of this book and almost bought it on ebook recently so I’m glad I didn’t because the hardback is stunning. I love Jon McGregor’s writing so this book will be a real treat to read.



The Story of Beatrix Potter by Sarah Gristwood

This hardback is another book that is so lovely and my photo doesn’t do it justice. It’s a beautiful book with glossy photos and I’ve enjoyed looking through it. I’m excited to read it soon.




I also got a Nirvana record, a gorgeous dressing gown, some lovely new toiletries, a bag, money and book vouchers! So I was very spoilt… 🙂



So that’s my most recent book haul! Have you got any new books this week? If you join in with Stacking the Shelves or if you’ve done a book haul on your blog this week please feel free to leave your link below.


WWW Wednesdays (31 Jan)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

The Note by Zoe Folbigg

I have an ARC of this which I got after seeing the author interviewed on TV around the time the book was released so I’m happy to finally be reading this one. It’s an easy read and I’m really enjoying it so far.

The Innocent Wife by Amy Lloyd

I picked this book up yesterday and am hooked! I didn’t know much about this book going into it and have no idea where it’s going to go. It’s got me guessing though and I’m keen to read more!

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

I’m still dipping in and out of this book and finding lots to motivate me.


What I recently finished reading:

Spaceman by Mike Massimino

This was a birthday present from my husband and I started reading it the minute I finished opening my presents (a birthday book haul post will be up soon!). It was such a brilliant read, I loved every minute of reading it.

Winter by Ali Smith

I’ve been reading this for a while as I was struggling with physically holding the book but yesterday I managed to read the second half of the book in one go and I adored it. This is a brilliant book and I’m already looking forward to the next in the quartet!

The Break by Marian Keyes

I couldn’t get into this the first time I started it but wanted to give it another go as I do love Marian Keyes writing. I picked it up at the weekend and ended up reading it in two sittings and I very much enjoyed it. I’ll hopefully get my review of this posted soon.

This Is How It Ends by Eva Dolan

This book was so good! I love the way it was told with the two main characters timelines moving in opposite directions, and it kept me on my toes all the way through. I’m still trying to write my review but hopefully I’ll get it finished soon, I recommend this though.

I Let Him Go by Denise Fergus

I bought this book last Thursday and read it the same day. It’s a very open and honest and heartbreaking memoir.

Meeting Lydia by Linda MacDonald

I read and reviewed this one last week so you can read my thoughts here if you’d like to know more. I enjoyed this book.


What I plan on reading next:

Waco by David Thibodeau

I put this in my planned reading a couple of weeks ago and didn’t manage to start it so I’m going to aim to get to it in the coming week.

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

I really want to read this book as I’ve heard so many great things so it’s on my next-to-read pile and I definitely want to get to it this week.

The Reunion by Samantha Hayes

I downloaded an ARC of this from NetGalley recently and have been keen to read it as soon as possible. It’s due out in February (I think!) so now seems a good time to pick it up!





What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Any books you’re looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

My Weekly Wrap-Up (28 Jan)!

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted


This week has been a mixed week really. It was the anniversary of my mum’s death earlier in the week, which hit me harder this year than in previous years. It’s strange how grief can still catch you offguard even after the passing of time.

In happier news my husband took me out for coffee and cake mid-week – it was the first time I’ve left the house since before Christmas (apart from a couple of hospital appointments) so it was really lovely.

It’s my birthday this weekend. I won’t be opening my presents until later on today but there are a few book-shaped parcels so I’m thinking I might have another book haul soon!


This week I’ve finished reading four books:

This is How it Ends by Eva Dolan

I finished this book yesterday and it was so good! I read an ARC so I hope to get my review written and posted very soon but in the meantime I definitely recommend this book!

I Let Him Go by Denise Fergus

I bought this last week and read it the same day. It’s a very moving and honest memoir; a book that will stay with me.

Meeting Lydia by Linda MacDonald

I listened to the audio book of this and really enjoyed it. I got completely swept up in Marianne’s story. I reviewed this book yesterday so you can read more of my thoughts here if you’d like to.

Three Things about Elsie by Joanna Cannon

I read this book last weekend and I still don’t have the words. It was so stunningly beautiful and I already want to read it again. This is my new favourite book and I highly, highly recommend it!


This week I’ve blogged four times:

My Weekly Wrap-Up post

WWW Wednesday post

Stacking the Shelves post

Review of Meeting Lydia by Linda MacDonald


This is what I’m currently reading:

The Break by Marian Keyes

I picked this up yesterday afternoon and am really enjoying it. I wasn’t sure about the premise at first but Marian Keyes’ writing is so lovely that I got completely hooked and am now loving it!

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

I’ve read a couple more chapters of this book this week and am now really in the mood to find some de-cluttering to do. I don’t agree with all of Marie Kondo’s ideas but I still enjoy her books.

Winter by Ali Smith

I was finally able to pick this up again this week and managed to read another chunk of it. I had hoped to finish it yesterday but alas my hands let me down and I couldn’t read a print book. Hopefully I’ll get to read to the end very soon because it really is a brilliant read.


The State of the TBR:

Well, if you saw my Stacking the Shelves post yesterday you will know that I’ve added seven books to my TBR this week. I was good though and have already read one of my new books so only six are being added to the TBR. I’m feeling really pleased with myself though because I also got rid of 24 books over the past week, which means my TBR has actually decreased by seventeen to 2737!





How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂

An accidental #bookhaul… Stacking the Shelves (27 Jan)!


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!


Today on my blog I’m stacking the shelves with all the books I’ve bought this week. I did buy more than I intended to but it was a tough week and my willpower was weak. In fairness, as you’ll see tomorrow in my weekly wrap-up, I have got rid of a few books from my TBR so it’s not too bad!


Here are the books that I’ve bought this week:


Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge

I’ve had my eye on this book ever since I first heard about it and I finally decided to just buy it this week. This definitely won’t be on my TBR for very long as I’m keen to read it.


In 2014, award-winning journalist Reni Eddo-Lodge wrote about her frustration with the way that discussions of race and racism in Britain were being led by those who weren’t affected by it. She posted a piece on her blog, entitled: ‘Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race’.

Her words hit a nerve. The post went viral and comments flooded in from others desperate to speak up about their own experiences. Galvanised by this clear hunger for open discussion, she decided to dig into the source of these feelings.



I Let Him Go by Denise Fergus

I bought this book on Thursday and have already read it. It’s an incredibly moving and honest memoir.


On 12th February 1993, Denise Fergus’ life changed forever. As she was running errands at New Strand Shopping Centre, she let go of her two-year-old son’s hand for a few seconds to take out her purse. Denise never saw her son again.

For the first time since that moment 25 years ago, Denise tells her extraordinary story in this heart-wrenching book, an unflinching account of that terrible day. What if she had never taken James shopping? What if she had turned right coming out of the butcher’s, instead of left? Denise’s initial hope after seeing her son on CCTV with other children quickly turned to devastation when, two days later, James’ body was found.

His death reverberated around the world and his killers became the youngest ever convicted murderers in UK legal history. Four minutes is all it took for them to lead James away from his mother to his death. Denise took up a tortuous legal battle for James, and it was her astonishing strength and love for her son that ultimately helped to change the way the law treats victims of crime.



Random Acts of Kindness Part 1 by Victoria Walters

I downloaded this ebook when it was free this week. I don’t normally buy books when they’re released in parts, I tend to wait until they’re published as a complete novel but I love the sound of this, and I’m a fan of the author, so I decided to get it. I’m looking forward to reading it.


Welcome to Littlewood, a small town community with a big heart. Abbie has fled London and the humiliation of not being able to make rent after being made redundant. Louise, seriously unlucky in love, has thrown herself into her career at the local hospital. And Eszter, who has travelled from Hungary with her daughter, Zoe, hopes to reach out to the mother-in-law she never met while her husband was still alive…



Close to Home by Cara Hunter

I’ve read some good reviews of this book and so have been thinking of buying it for a while. This week I spotted it was 99p on Kindle so decided to download it. I’m hoping to read this soon as I think the second book in the series is due out this year.


Someone took Daisy Mason. Someone YOU KNOW.

Last night, 8-year-old Daisy Mason disappeared from her parents’ summer party. No one in the quiet suburban street saw anything – or at least that’s what they’re saying. DI Adam Fawley is trying to keep an open mind. But he knows that nine times out of ten, it’s someone the victim knew. That means someone is lying. And that Daisy’s time is running out…



Bonfire by Krysten Ritter

I saw Simon from SavidgeReads on YouTube talking about this book in a couple of his recent videos and he sold me on it. I like the sound of the synopsis and hearing a rave review made me want to read it. This is also 99p on Kindle at the moment!


Should you ever go back?

It has been ten years since Abby Williams left home and scrubbed away all visible evidence of her small town roots. Now working as an environmental lawyer in Chicago, she has a thriving career, a modern apartment, and her pick of meaningless one-night stands.

But when a new case takes her back home to Barrens, Indiana, the life Abby painstakingly created begins to crack. Tasked with investigating Optimal Plastics, the town’s most high-profile company and economic heart, Abby begins to find strange connections to Barrens’ biggest scandal from more than a decade ago involving the popular Kaycee Mitchell and her closest friends—just before Kaycee disappeared for good.

Abby knows the key to solving any case lies in the weak spots, the unanswered questions. But as Abby tries to find out what really happened to Kaycee, she unearths an even more disturbing secret—a ritual called “The Game,” which will threaten the reputations, and lives, of the community and risk exposing a darkness that may consume her.



Tuesday’s Gone by Nicci French

This is another book that is on sale for 99p on Kindle and it was a must buy for me because somehow I own Monday and Wednesday but not Tuesday so if I’m going to start the series this year, as I intend to, I’m going to need Tuesday!


A London social worker makes a routine home visit only to discover her client serving afternoon tea to a naked, decomposing corpse. With no clues as to the dead man’s identity, Chief Inspector Karlsson again calls upon Frieda for help. She discovers that the body belongs to Robert Poole, con man extraordinaire. But Frieda can’t shake the feeling that the past isn’t done with her yet. Did someone kill Poole to embroil her in the investigation? And if so, is Frieda herself the next victim?


Giveaway win:


I also won a giveaway of an ebook copy of Prosecco Christmas by Sylvia Ashby, which I’m looking forward to reading. It’s part 3 in a series and I have the first two books on my TBR so I’m hoping to get to read those soon so that I can then read this one before too long.


Family is where life begins.
And what better time to spend with your family than Christmas week?

Ashley and Giacomo go to Upper Swainswick, a postcard village ten minutes’ drive from Bath, to stay with Ashley’s mum and stepdad. It’s their last visit before the arrival of their first child.

But babies have a habit of being unpredictable.

So when Ashley goes into labour on Christmas Eve, three weeks ahead of schedule, it takes everyone by surprise.
She’s not ready! Her perfect Birth Plan is packed away in her hospital bag two hundred miles away, she has no going home outfit, and she has a live event planned for New Year’s Eve for her YouTube channel, The Sinking Chef. People have been signing up for it for weeks. She can’t possibly disappoint them on the last day of the year. What is she to do?

The tinsel gets even more tangled when Giacomo’s parents decide to fly from Italy to meet their first grandchild. Hotels are fully booked, so everyone has to stay under the same roof.

Would eleven people in the house, not counting the baby, turn out to be simply too much for Ashley?



So, that’s all of my new books from this week! Have you bought any new books recently? Tell me all in the comments below, or if you have a stacking the shelves post on your blog feel free to post the link below too.:)

My weekly wrap up post will be on my blog tomorrow so please look out for that.

WWW Wednesdays (24 Jan)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

This is How it Ends by Eva Dolan

I picked this up the other day and I’m really enjoying it. I love how it’s told in a non-linear fashion so that a picture of what is going on is gradually being built up. It’s a book that I keep thinking about when I’m not reading it, which is always the sign of a good read.

Meeting Lydia by Linda MacDonald

This is my audio book for this week and I’m enjoying it. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book when I accepted it for review but it’s got me wanting to listen to more whenever I can. I’ll be reviewing this on Saturday so look out for my thoughts then if you want to know more.

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

I’m still reading a chapter of this here and there and enjoying it. I don’t agree with all Marie Kondo’s ideas but all books on de-cluttering get me in the right mindset to have a sort out, which I love.

Winter by Ali Smith

I managed to read a bit more of this book this week and am still finding it such an incredible novel. I just wish the hardcover wasn’t as tightly bound as it is because it means I just can’t hold it to read for more than a few minutes at a time.


What I recently finished reading:

Three Things about Elsie by Joanna Cannon

I read this over the weekend and I just completely and utterly adored it. It’s a stunning book and I already want to pick it up and read it again! I’m in the middle of writing my review so I hope to get that posted soon.

This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay

This book was eye-opening! I found it so readable, and I read it in just two sittings, but it was heartbreaking at times. It’s a real insight into the NHS and I highly recommend it to everyone.

In These Days of Rain by Rebecca Stott

I listened to this on audio book and got completely engrossed in it. It’s such an honest and moving memoir, one that feels like it will stay with me for a long time to come.

Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan

I really loved this book, it was so good. I’m struggling to review it because I enjoyed it so much but I definitely recommend it.


What I plan on reading next:

The Confession by Jo Spain

I won a copy of this book a while ago and have been so keen to read it, especially after seeing the rave reviews it’s getting, so I’m going to try and pick it up this week.

The Break by Marian Keyes

This is a review book that I’ve had for a little while but have been keen to read it. I did start it once before but it was the wrong time so I put it to one side and now I feel like I’m just in the right mood to read a Marian Keyes so I’m putting this on my TBR for the coming week.

A Book of Untruths by Miranda Doyle

This is another review book that I’ve had for a little while now and it was calling to me when I was looking for my next read so I’m going to try and start this over the next week or so.



What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Any books you’re looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

My Weekly Wrap-Up (21 Jan)!

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted


This coming week is a tough one for me… it’s the anniversary of my mum’s death and also my birthday. I’ve struggled with this week ever since my mum died, as the two dates became so linked together in the year she died that I’ve never quite been able to separate them ever since.  I always feel melancholy until my birthday is over and then the mood lifts again. It’s hard to distract myself when feeling like this but I always do my best to escape into books.

In better news, I had a really helpful first appointment at the hospital with a new consultant. It was refreshing to be listened to and taken seriously, now it’s just the long wait for the results.

Annoyingly, a couple of days ago I opened my MacBook to write some reviews and it was not working at all. My husband has got it working again now but neither of us trust it to keep working as it’s still behaving oddly. Urgh! I can only blog on my MacBook as my dictation software doesn’t work with anything else so if I end up not being around so much in the near future it’s because it’s bit the dust. Hopefully it will keep working for the foreseeable though.



This week I’ve finished reading four books:

This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay

This book was one of my Christmas presents and I’ve been so keen to read it. I picked it up the other day and it was brilliant, even better than I expected. There is a real mix of humour and heartbreak, and it felt like it really represented what it must be like to work as a junior doctor in the NHS. I highly recommend this book.

In the Days of Rain by Rebecca Stott

I’ve had this book on my audio book TBR for a while and somehow hadn’t listened to it. I then saw a few reviews of it after it won the biography category in the Costa Book Awards so immediately started listening. This is such an open and honest memoir, it’s a book that I feel will stay with me.

Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan

This is a review book that I’ve had for a little while now but I finally got to read it this week and I loved it. It had me hooked from start to finish and it feels like a book that will really stay with me. I’m struggling to write my review because I loved the book so much. Hopefully I’ll manage to get my words together very soon though.

Out of Orange by Cleary Wolters

This was my other audio book from this week and I enjoyed it. I wasn’t sure of it to start with but once I got into it I found it interesting. I recommend it for fans of Orange is the New Black.


This week I’ve blogged three times:

Sunday: Weekly Wrap-Up

Wednesday: WWW Wednesday post

Saturday: Stacking the Shelves with my latest book haul


This is what I’m currently reading:

Three Things about Elsie by Joanna Cannon

I started reading this book last night and I’ve already had a little cry over it. It’s just so believable and so beautifully written; it feels like this might become a new favourite book. I will be reviewing this once I’ve read it but I can already recommend it.

This is How it Ends by Eva Dolan

This book is so good. I love the way it’s told in a non-linear way and so the story is slowly unfolding, it’s got me engrossed and it’s a book I really look forward to picked it up and reading a bit more.

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

I haven’t read much more of this book this week as I just haven’t been in the mood for it. I hope to get back to it in the coming week though as I am enjoying it.

Winter by Ali Smith

I’m still very much enjoying this book but I’m struggling to read it because my copy is really tightly bound so it’s impossible for me to hold when I’m not doing so well. I will get properly back to this as soon as the strength in my hands improves again.

Rest in Power by Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin

I’ve read a couple more chapters of this book this week and I’m finding it such a heartbreaking read. I may put this to one side for the next week and pick it back up once I’m feeling on more of an even keel.



The State of the TBR:

Well, I’m really happy to report that three weeks into 2018 my TBR is holding steady at 2753 owned books, which is the same as it was last week! I have looked at books but have resisted buying any. I did get a couple of books from NetGalley but because of the books I’ve read this week my TBR has remained at the same number! I really want to reduce my TBR over this year but to not be increasing it is still something of an achievement for me! You can see my latest book haul here.




How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂

My latest #bookhaul… Stacking the Shelves (20 Jan)!


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!


Today on my blog I’m stacking the shelves with all the books I’ve acquired since Christmas so this my three-week book haul and most of these books were included in my TBR update in my last weekly wrap-up so my TBR hasn’t got out of control!


Here are the books that I’ve bought since the end of 2017:


The Standing Chandelier by Lionel Shriver

I’m a big fan of Lionel Shriver so when I spotted this novella on Amazon at the start of the month I couldn’t resist downloading it. I’m hoping to make time to read this soon, and with it being short it should be fairly easy to squeeze in between other books.


When Weston Babansky receives an extravagant engagement present from his best friend (and old flame) Jillian Frisk, he doesn’t quite know what to make of it – or how to get it past his fiancée. Especially as it’s a massive, handmade, intensely personal sculpture that they’d have to live with forever.

As the argument rages about whether Jillian’s gift was an act of pure platonic generosity or something more insidious, battle lines are drawn…

Can men and women ever be friends? Just friends?


The Kill (Maeve Kerrigan 5) by Jane Casey

I already have the first four books in this series on my TBR and it was in my plan to start reading the series this year so when the other books in the series went on offer earlier this month I couldn’t resist snapping them up.


When a police officer is found shot dead in his car, DC Maeve Kerrigan and DI Josh Derwent take on the investigation. But nothing about the case prepares them for what happens next: a second policeman dies . . . and then another . . .

The Metropolitan Police struggle to carry out their usual duties, but no one knows where or how this cop killer will strike again. While London disintegrates into lawlessness Maeve’s world starts to fall apart too. For if the police can’t keep themselves safe, how can they protect anyone else?


After the Fire (Maeve Kerrigan 6) by Jane Casey


After a fire rips through a North London tower block, two bodies are found locked in an 11th floor flat. But is the third victim that ensures the presence of detective Maeve Kerrigan and the murder squad. It appears that controversial MP Geoff Armstrong, trapped by the fire, chose to jump to his death rather than wait for rescue. But what was such a right wing politician doing in the deprived, culturally diverse Maudling Estate?

As Maeve and her senior colleague, Derwent, pick through the wreckage, they uncover the secret world of the 11th floor, where everyone seems to have something to hide…


The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

I’ve seen lots of good reviews of this book on blogs that I enjoy so I couldn’t resist buying a copy. It does sound like such a compulsive read and I hope to get to it soon.


When you read this book, you will make many assumptions.
You will assume you are reading about a jealous wife and her obsession with her replacement.
You will assume you are reading about a woman about to enter a new marriage with the man she loves.
You will assume the first wife was a disaster and that the husband was well rid of her.
You will assume you know the motives, the history, the anatomy of the relationships.
Assume nothing.


Here are the books that I’ve received for review since the end of 2017:



Our House by Louise Candlish

I was super excited to receive a surprise copy of this book in the post just before Christmas as I’m a huge Louise Candlish fan! It’s a lovely proof and I’m really looking forward to reading this.


When Fiona Lawson comes home to find strangers moving into her house, she’s sure there’s been a mistake. She and her estranged husband, Bram, have a modern co-parenting arrangement: bird’s nest custody, where each parent spends a few nights a week with their two sons at the prized family home to maintain stability for their children. But the system built to protect their family ends up putting them in terrible jeopardy. In a domino effect of crimes and misdemeanors, the nest comes tumbling down.

Now Bram has disappeared and so have Fiona’s children. As events spiral well beyond her control, Fiona will discover just how many lies her husband was weaving and how little they truly knew each other. But Bram’s not the only one with things to hide, and some secrets are best kept to oneself, safe as houses.


Trying by Emily Phillips

I requested this book on bookbridgr quite a while ago but had forgotten about it so it was a lovely suprise when this gorgeous finished copy arrived in the post over Christmas. I’m planning to read this book soon and will be reviewing it on my blog.


A hugely funny, searingly honest comedy about to expect when you’re not expecting.

Olivia and Felix are trying for a baby. They even moved to the suburbs in anticipation of their future family. But despite approaching her cycle and their sex life with military precision, there’s still no sign of what felt like the sure next step, whilst friends’ broods seem to be growing by the week. Meanwhile, vying for a promotion at work under the (very attentive) watch of a new boss sends Olivia down a dangerous road of risking it all. Does a happy ever after, she starts to question, even have to include a baby?


The Old You by Louise Voss

This book was a lovely, and very kind, gift from the publisher and I was grateful beyond words as I love Louise Voss’ writing. I bought her first book, To Be Someone, when it was originally published and it remains one of my favourite books. I’ve been a fan ever since do I’m excited to read this one!


Lynn Naismith gave up the job she loved when she married Ed, the love of her life, but it was worth it for the happy years they enjoyed together. Now, ten years on, Ed has been diagnosed with early-onset dementia, and things start to happen; things more sinister than missing keys and lost words. As some memories are forgotten, others, long buried, begin to surface… and Lynn’s perfect world begins to crumble.
But is it Ed s mind playing tricks, or hers…?


Fault Lines by Doug Johnstone

This was lovely book post from Orenda books and I’m very much looking forward to reading this. I’ve enjoyed other books by the author and this one sounds like it could be his best yet!


In a reimagined contemporary Edinburgh, in which a tectonic fault has opened up to produce a new volcano in the Firth of Forth, and where tremors are an everyday occurrence, volcanologist Surtsey makes a shocking discovery. On a clandestine trip to The Inch – the new volcanic island – to meet Tom, her lover and her boss, she finds his lifeless body. Surtsey’s life quickly spirals into a nightmare when someone makes contact – someone who claims to know what she’s done…


The Lido by Libby Page

This gorgeous book sounds amazing and I’m thrilled to have received a copy in the post last week. 


Kate is a twenty-six-year-old riddled with anxiety and panic attacks who works for a local paper in Brixton, London, covering forgettably small stories. When she’s assigned to write about the closing of the local lido (an outdoor pool and recreation center), she meets Rosemary, an eighty-six-year-old widow who has swum at the lido daily since it opened its doors when she was a child. It was here Rosemary fell in love with her husband, George; here that she’s found communion during her marriage and since George’s death. The lido has been a cornerstone in nearly every part of Rosemary’s life.

But when a local developer attempts to buy the lido for a posh new apartment complex, Rosemary’s fond memories and sense of community are under threat.

As Kate dives deeper into the lido’s history—with the help of a charming photographer—she pieces together a portrait of the pool, and a portrait of a singular woman, Rosemary. What begins as a simple local interest story for Kate soon blossoms into a beautiful friendship that provides sustenance to both women as they galvanize the community to fight the lido’s closure. Meanwhile, Rosemary slowly, finally, begins to open up to Kate, transforming them both in ways they never knew possible.


The Cactus by Sarah Haywood

This book is so beautiful, my photo in no way does it any justice, and I was very happy to receive a surprise copy in the post last week. It sounds like it’s going to be right up my street and I’m looking forward to curling up one afternoon soon and devouring it!


People aren’t sure what to make of Susan Green – a prickly independent woman, who has everything just the way she wants it and who certainly has no need for messy emotional relationships.

Family and colleagues find her stand-offish and hard to understand, but Susan makes perfect sense to herself, and that’s all she needs.
At forty-five, she thinks her life is perfect, as long as she avoids her feckless brother, Edward – a safe distance away in Birmingham. She has a London flat which is ideal for one; a job that suits her passion for logic; and a personal arrangement providing cultural and other, more intimate, benefits.
Yet suddenly faced with the loss of her mother and, implausibly, with the possibility of becoming a mother herself, Susan’s greatest fear is being realised: she is losing control.
When she discovers that her mother’s will inexplicably favours her brother, Susan sets out to prove that Edward and his equally feckless friend Rob somehow coerced this dubious outcome. But when problems closer to home become increasingly hard to ignore, she finds help in the most unlikely of places.


The Word For Woman is Wilderness by Abi Andrews

This book was such a surprise when it arrived and I can’t even put into words how excited I was when I opened it. I’d already put this book on my wish list as it sounds amazing and I’m really looking forward to reading this.


Erin is 19. She’s never really left England, but she has watched Bear Grylls and wonders why it’s always men who get to go on all the cool wilderness adventures. So Erin sets off on a voyage into the Alaskan wilderness, a one-woman challenge to the archetype of the rugged male explorer.

As Erin’s journey takes her through the Arctic Circle, across the entire breadth of the American continent and finally to a lonely cabin in the wilds of Denali, she explores subjects as diverse as the moon landings, the Gaia hypothesis, loneliness, nuclear war, shamanism and the pill.


Forgiveness is Really Strange by Masi Noor and Marina Cantacuzino

I’ve had this book on my wish list for ages but it was always unavailable for purchase so when I spotted it on NetGalley recently I immediately requested it. I’ve already read this one and it was a really powerful graphic non-fiction book. I’ll be reviewing this one soon but in the meantime I definitely recommend this.


What is forgiveness? What enables people to forgive? Why do we even choose to forgive those who have harmed us? What can the latest psychological research tell us about the nature of forgiveness, its benefits and risks?

This imaginative comic explores the key aspects of forgiveness, asking what it means to forgive and to be forgiven. Witty and intelligent, it answers questions about the health benefits and restorative potential of forgiveness and explains, in easy-to-understand terms, what happens in our brains, bodies and communities when we choose to forgive.


Whistle in the Dark by Emma Healey

I enjoyed Elizabeth is Missing by this author and so when I saw she had a new book coming out I couldn’t resist requesting it on NetGalley. I was really happy to get approved for it and am looking forward to reading it a little bit nearer publication date.


Jen’s fifteen-year-old daughter goes missing for four agonizing days.

When Lana is found, unharmed, in the middle of the desolate countryside, everyone thinks the worst is over. But Lana refuses to tell anyone what happened, and police draw a blank. The once-happy, loving family return to London where things start to fall apart. Lana begins acting strangely: making secretive phone calls, hiding books under her bed, sleeping with the light on.

As Lana stays stubbornly silent, Jen sets out to solve the mystery behind her daughter’s disappearance herself…


The Fear by C. L. Taylor

I’m a massive fan of C.L. Taylor so there was no way I could resist requesting this book! It sounds like such a great premise so I don’t think it’ll be long before I read this one.


When Lou Wandsworth ran away to France with her teacher Mike Hughes, she thought he was the love of her life. But Mike wasn’t what he seemed and he left her life in pieces.

Now 32, Lou discovers that he is involved with teenager Chloe Meadows. Determined to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself, she returns home to confront him for the damage he’s caused.

But Mike is a predator of the worst kind, and as Lou tries to bring him to justice, it’s clear that she could once again become his prey…


The Neighbors by Hannah McKinnon

The lovely author contacted me to ask if I’d like to review this book and as the synopsis sounded so good I immediately said yes please. The book’s due out in March so I’m going to wait a little while longer before I start this one but I am really looking forward to it.


After a night of fun, Abby was responsible for the car crash that killed her beloved brother. It is a sin she can never forgive herself for, so she pushes away the man she loves most, knowing that he would eventually hate her for what she’s done, the same way she hates herself.

Twenty years later, Abby’s husband, Nate, is also living with a deep sense of guilt. He was the driver who first came upon the scene of Abby’s accident, the man who pulled her to safety before the car erupted in flames, the man who could not save her brother in time. It’s this guilt, this regret that binds them together. They understand each other. Or so Nate believes.

In a strange twist of fate, Liam (her old lover—possibly her true soulmate) moves in with his own family next door, releasing a flood of memories that Abby has been trying to keep buried all these years. Abby and Liam, in a complicit agreement, pretend never to have met, yet cannot resist the pull of the past—nor the repercussions of the dark secrets they’ve both been carrying…


The Reunion by Samantha Hayes

I’ve really enjoyed previous novels by this author so I immediately went and downloaded it as soon as Bookouture tweeted that it was available. I’m certain that this won’t be on my TBR pile for very long!


Then–In charge of her little sister at the beach, Claire allowed Eleanor to walk to the shop alone to buy an ice cream. Placing a coin into her hand, Claire told her to be quick, knowing how much she wanted the freedom. Eleanor never came back.

Now–The time has finally come to sell the family farm and Claire is organising a reunion of her dearest friends, the same friends who were present the day her sister went missing.

When another girl disappears, long-buried secrets begin to surface. One of the group hides the darkest secret of them all…


The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn

I’ve been so keen to get my hands on a copy of this book and yet somehow missed that I’m auto-approved for the publisher on NetGalley and could have downloaded a copy ages ago! Ah well, I’m glad I’ve now spotted it and am going to be reading this very, very soon!


What did she see?

It’s been ten long months since Anna Fox last left her home. Ten months during which she has haunted the rooms of her old New York house like a ghost, lost in her memories, too terrified to step outside.

Anna’s lifeline to the real world is her window, where she sits day after day, watching her neighbours. When the Russells move in, Anna is instantly drawn to them. A picture-perfect family of three, they are an echo of the life that was once hers.

But one evening, a frenzied scream rips across the silence, and Anna witnesses something no one was supposed to see. Now she must do everything she can to uncover the truth about what really happened. But even if she does, will anyone believe her? And can she even trust herself?


And right before Christmas I won this fabulous signed book from The Pool:

Still Me by Jojo Moyes


Louisa Clark arrives in New York ready to start a new life, confident that she can embrace this new adventure and keep her relationship with Ambulance Sam alive across several thousand miles. She is thrown into the world of the superrich Gopniks: Leonard and his much younger second wife, Agnes, and a never-ending array of household staff and hangers-on. Lou is determined to get the most out of the experience and throws herself into her job and New York life within this privileged world.

Before she knows what’s happening, Lou is mixing in New York high society, where she meets Joshua Ryan, a man who brings with him a whisper of her past. In Still Me, as Lou tries to keep the two sides of her world together, she finds herself carrying secrets–not all her own–that cause a catastrophic change in her circumstances. And when matters come to a head, she has to ask herself Who is Louisa Clark? And how do you reconcile a heart that lives in two places?



So, that’s all of my new books from the past month (aside from my Christmas book haul, which you can find here if you’d like to see it). Have you bought any new books recently? Tell me all in the comments below, or if you have a stacking the shelves post on your blog feel free to post the link below too.:)

My weekly wrap up post will be on my blog tomorrow so please look out for that.

WWW Wednesday (17 Jan)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:


Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan

This book is so good! If it wasn’t for the fact I’ve had a rough couple of days I think I would have finished this in one or two sittings. It feels like this is going to be a five star read!

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

I’m enjoying this book and it’s definitely getting me in the right mindset to have another de-clutter once I feel better.

Winter by Ali Smith

This book is incredible and the only reason I haven’t finished yet is because I’m struggling to hold hardback books at the moment. I will get back to this asap though because it’s fabulous!


What I recently finished reading:

The Portable Veblen by Elizabeth McKenzie

I’ve had this on my TBR since it first came out but I’ve kept putting it off and I don’t know why. I ended up reading the whole novel in one sitting on Sunday, I just couldn’t put it down. It’s an interesting novel and is one that I think will stay with me.

Out of Orange by Cleary Wolters

This was my audio book pick for the last week and I ended up really enjoying it. I wasn’t sure about it at first but it ended up being really interesting. It’s must-read for fans of Orange is the New Black!

Friend Request by Laura Marshall

This book grabbed me on the first page and held my attention all the way to the end. It was one of those novels that I just didn’t want to put down until I knew what was going on. I’ll try to get my review written and posted on here soon.

An Act of Silence by Colette McBeth

This book is such a powerful and prescient novel, I highly recommend it. If you want to know more of my thoughts please click on the title to read my full review.


What I plan on reading next:

Three Things about Elsie by Joanna Cannon

I’m so excited to read this book and didn’t manage to get to it over the last few days but I really hope to start it over the coming week. I just know that this is going to be a real treat, and I’m in need of that just now.

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

I got approved for this book on NetGalley just the other day and I’m so keen to read it. It’s due out on 25th Jan so I’m bumping it straight to the top of my TBR!

Trying by Emily Philips

I was sent a surprise copy of this book around Christmas and it sounds like such a good read that I want to make sure I read it soon. It’ll be in my next book haul so this is a bit of a spoiler for that!



What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Any books you’re looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

My Weekly Wrap-Up (14 Jan)!

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted


This week I am finally starting to feel human again after a horrible flu virus that floored me for a couple of weeks. Now my headache has gone I’ve been able to catch up on some blogging and to get some reading done. It’s nice to be back blogging again and I hope to have regular reviews and other posts up from now on as it’s been a while since I was in a routine with it.


This week I’ve finished reading four books:

Friend Request by Laura Marshall

I read this book in just two sittings because I didn’t want to put it down. It grabbed me from the opening chapter and kept me hooked all the way through. I’ll hopefully have my review up on my blog this week.

An Act of Silence by Colette McBeth

This is such a powerful novel and one I definitely recommend. I’ve already reviewed this so if you’d like to know more of my thoughts on it please click on the title above.

South and West by Joan Didion

I read Blue Nights towards the end of last year so I was keen to read this new book by Joan Didion. It was a really interesting book and I’m glad I read it.

Emma in the Night by Wendy Walker

I’ve had this on my review TBR for quite a while now but I finally picked it up in the week and I really enjoyed it. I’m hoping to get my review finished and posted this week so please look out for that.


This week I’ve blogged seven times:

My Favourite Novels Read in 2017

My Favourite Non-Fiction Read in 2017

2017 Reading Reflections, Bookish Plans for 2018 & The State of my TBR!

WWW Wednesdays

Reading Bingo Results from 2017

Review of An Act of Silence by Colette McBeth

Stacking the Shelves with my Christmas Book Haul!


This is what I’m currently reading:

Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan

This book is so good! I started reading it yesterday morning and had to force myself to put it down otherwise nothing would have got done. I then waited until I could sit down for the evening so I could just read and read.

Winter by Ali Smith

This is such a brilliant novel. I want to devour it but I’m reading slowly so that I can take in everything. I loved Autumn but I think Winter is possibly even better!

Out of Orange by Cleary Wolters

I started this listening book the other day and wasn’t initially sure that it was for me but I’ve actually been hooked listening to it over the last couple of days. It’s an interesting book and one that fans of Orange is the New Black will likely enjoy.

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

I do love a book about de-cluttering and this is my latest pick. I’m enjoying this because it re-affirms what was in Kondo’s previous book and is motivating me all over again.

Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin by Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin

I haven’t read much more of this book this week but it’s definitely properly back in my currently reading pile and I will be reading more of it in the coming days.




The State of the TBR:

So as I posted in my Reading Reflections post this week I’m going to try really hard to work on reducing my TBR this year. At the start of 2018 my owned books TBR totalled 2756 books. As of writing this post it’s 2753 so it’s going in the right direction so far! It’s hard to resist buying new books but I’m trying to keep in mind that I should wait to buy a book until I’m ready to read it. We’ll see how it goes!



How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂

WWW Wednesday (29 Nov)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

A Ragbag of Riches by James Chilton

I’m really enjoying dipping in and out of this book – it’s a lovely collections of quotations and one that I’ll be keeping hold of after I’ve read it. I’m on the blog tour for this book later this week so look out for my review soon.

Dear Cathy… Love, Mary by Catherine Conlon & Mary Phelan

I haven’t done much reading this week as I’ve been really unwell for most of the last week. I did feel well enough to pick this back up last night and I’m still enjoying it just as much as I was so I’m sure I’ll finish this soon.

The Everything Store by Brad Stone

As I said above I haven’t read much over the last week but I did get a huge chunk of this book read yesterday and am back to being engrossed in it. The chapter I’m on now is all about how the kindle came to be so I’m finding that really interesting.

What I recently finished reading:

Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life by Justine Picardie

I finished this book yesterday afternoon and I’m missing reading it already. It was a wonderful book and one that I’ll be keeping hold of. The hardback edition I read is gorgeous and has loads of fabulous photos throughout so I recommend getting a hold of this version if you are interested in reading more about Coco Chanel.

Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan

I read the first book in this series in September so have been looking forward to getting to this one ever since. I didn’t love it as much as the first book but it still had me hooked from start to finish. I have the third book on my TBR and it’s set at Christmas so I can’t wait to read that in the next couple of weeks.

Tell Me How It Ends by Valeria Luiselli

I’ve seen this book around and was interested to read it so when I spotted it on my audio book subscription I decided to listen to it. It’s a short book that packs a punch, it’s one that I’ve been thinking about since I finished it last week.


What I plan on reading next:

Wish Upon a Star by Trisha Ashley

I’m going to finish up NonFictionNovember and then I’ll start on my Christmas books! I love the cover on this one and it’s been on my TBR for a couple of years so I’d like to try and read this one soon.

A Miracle at Macy’s by Lynn Marie Hulsman

I was sent this a gift last Christmas and didn’t manage to read it then so I made sure to seek it out on my bookcase when I was thinking about what I wanted to read this Christmas.

Frost at Christmas by R. D. Wingfield

I’ve also had this on my TBR for a while and when I spotted it recently I thought it was a sign I should get it out to read in December! I loved watching A Touch of Frost when it was on TV years ago so I’m really interested to try reading my first Frost novel.


What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Which books are you looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

Weekly Wrap-Up (19 Nov)!

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted


I want to start this post by saying a huge thank you to everyone who visits my blog, and especially to this who have commented recently. I’m aware that I’m slow to respond at the moment, and also that I’m not managing to comment on as many of your blogs as I’d like to, but I will get there. Please know that even when it takes me a while I respond, I do very much appreciate every comment.

This week has been quite quiet as I’ve not been feeling great. I have got a lot of reading done though, which has been lovely. I’ve been seeking escapism in books as I have another round of medical appointments and tests coming up and I don’t want to think about those until I have to.

Last night my husband and I curled up and watched The Deer Hunter, which we haven’t seen in a few years. It was so nice to just relax and watch a film together but it doesn’t matter how many times you see this film, it’s never not heartbreaking.


This week I’ve finished reading seven books:

Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt by Michael Lewis

This is a book that I was going to put on my #NonFictionNovember2017 TBR and then forgot about! I spotted it this week and was just in the mood to read it so decided to go ahead anyway. I read it in two sittings and found it such a fascinating insight into what goes on in Wall Street.

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

I really enjoyed reading this book! I read it a chapter or two at a time throughout the week in between other books and it really worked for me like that. If I’m to be completely honest I did find the author a bit irritating and she didn’t seem to have much of a concept of how lucky she was but, having said that, I loved reading about the lifestyle in Denmark and it has made me want to move there! I’d still recommend the book too.

Whatever… Love is Love by Maria Bello

This is another non-fiction book that wasn’t on my TBR for this month but it caught my eye amongst my audio books. It was an interesting listen, and some parts were thought-provoking but I don’t think it’s a book that will really stick with me.

Saving Sophie by Sam Carrington

This is a novel that I read this week as I was in need of some escapism and non-fiction wasn’t giving me that so instead I picked up this book, which I owned before this year so it’s another one that counts towards my Mount TBR challenge on Goodreads. I enjoyed this thriller, it kept me interested all the way through and I’ll definitely pick up Sam’s next book, Bad Sister.

Thinking Out Loud: Love, Grief and Being Mum and Dad by Rio Ferdinand (with Decca Aitkenhead)

This is such a powerful book about Rio’s grief after the death of his wife. I found it to be a really honest and moving book. I’ve already reviewed this so you can read more of my thoughts on it here if you’d like to.

A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke

This was the other novel that I read this week when needing some escapism. I really enjoyed this book – I do love Lucy Clarke’s writing.

Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This is a very short book that I’ve been meaning to read for ages and I’m glad I finally got to it. It’s one of those books that makes you think about your own thoughts and ideas about things.


This week I’ve blogged three times:

Sunday: Weekly Wrap-Up post

Wednesday: WWW Wednesday post

Thursday: Review of Thinking Out Loud by Rio Ferdinand (with Decca Aitkenhead)


This is what I’m currently reading:

Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan

I just started this book yesterday but it’s already got me engrossed. I don’t think it’ll take me very long to read this. I’m expecting it to be quite harrowing at times but I’ve seen so many people recommend it that I have to read it.

Dear Cathy… Love, Mary by Catherine Conlon and Mary Phelan

This is letters between Catherine and Mary in 1984 – the year they leave school and one goes on to further study and the other goes to France to be an au pair. I’m so enjoying this one, it’s wonderful.

Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life by Justine Picardie

This is a really interesting look at Coco Chanel’s life and I’m really enjoying it. My copy of the book is physically very heavy so I’ll be quite slow to read this but it’s such a treat every time I pick it up.

The Everything Store by Brad Stone

I haven’t read much more of this over the last week but I will be getting back to it soon as I was finding it really interesting.


How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂

WWW Wednesdays (15 Nov)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

Coco Chanel:The Legend and the Life by Justine Picardie

This gorgeous book was a Christmas gift from my husband seven years ago! I’m horrified that I somehow haven’t picked it up until now but better late than never and I am thoroughly enjoying this book. It’s a beautifully published book with lots of great photos throughout.

Whatever… Love is Love: Questioning the Labels We Give Ourselves by Maria Bello

This wasn’t on my #NonFictionNovember2017 TBR but it is non-fiction so it still counts. I have the ebook but I was looking for an audio book and spotted it so decided to part listen and part read it. It’s an easy book to listen to so I’m glad I picked it up.

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

I’m about half-way through this now and am really enjoying it. I love the way it’s a personal story with facts weaved in throughout.

The Everything Store by Brad Stone

I’m still finding this book eye-opening and interesting but my reading of it has slowed a little as I’ve been in need of lighter/easier reads over the last week.


What I recently finished reading:

Saving Sophie by Sam Carrington

So, I broke my own #NonFictionNovember2017 rule to only read non-fiction this month as I just needed the pure escapism that I can get lost in for a while and so I turned to fiction. This was a fast-paced thriller and definitely got me out of my own head for a while.

Thinking Out Loud by Rio Ferdinand and Decca Aikenhead

This book wasn’t on my #NonFictionNovember2017 TBR either but it is non-fiction so that’s okay. I’ve been interested in reading this for a while so when I spotted it on the read now part of NetGalley the other day I immediately downloaded it. It’s a very moving book and I’m glad I read it. I hope to get my review finished and posted later this week.

A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke

This is the other novel that I read this week and I really enjoyed this one. I’m a big fan of Lucy Clarke’s writing and it’s always great to get engrossed in one of her novels. I really enjoyed this one.

Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This is another book that isn’t on my November TBR but this is one I’ve wanted to read since it came out and so I finally picked it up yesterday. It’s a really interesting book and one that makes you think. I recommend it.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Britain by David Cavanagh

This book was wonderful! I loved reading about John Peel’s radio shows and being reminded of just how brilliant he was. I felt really quite sad when I turned the last page of this and I’m missing having it to dip in and out of. I highly recommend this one.

The Emperor of all Maladies by Siddharta Mukherjee

This is such a fascinating read! It’a long book and yet I seemed to fly through it – it’s written in such an accessible way and I very much enjoyed it.

What I plan on reading next:

Dear Cathy… Love, Mary by Catherine Conlon & May Phelan

I’ve had this book on my TBR for ages and every time I see it I’m reminded of how much I want to read it because I know I’ll love it. So, I’m listing it here and hope I get a chance to read it in the coming week.

Mercury and Me by Jim Hutton

I was huge fan of Queen and can still remember hearing that Freddie Mercury had died. I’m always keen to read biographies of artists I’m a fan of so I hope to pick this book up this week.

The Lonely City by Olivia Laing

I’ve wanted to read this for a while too but it’s one of those books where I feel I’ll get the most out of it if I pick it up at the right time. I’m really drawn to it at the moment and given my current mood I think now might be the time so I intend to start this once I’ve finished one of my current reads.



What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Which books are you looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

Weekly Wrap-Up (12 Nov)

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted

This week has been one of those weeks that has disappeared and I’m not sure where it went. My husband had a week off, which was nice. I also had a Grey’s Anatomy marathon starting last weekend as I saw an ad for season 14 and realised that I hadn’t seen Season 13 (it’s because we had a year away from Sky)! So as the episodes were only going to be available until Tuesday I had to get them seen. I’m caught up now but have series linked the new series as my brain needs a small TV break before I watch the new episodes! All the TV watching has eaten into my reading time but I have still managed to finish some books this week.


This week I’ve finished reading three books:

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Life by David Cavanagh

I’ve been dipping in and out of this book for a few weeks now but this week I got so engrossed in it that I finished the last third of the book in one sitting. I really enjoyed this book, but it was sad to get to the end and be reminded all over again that John Peel is gone.

The Emperor of all Maladies by Siddharta Mukherjee

I read the whole of this book this week and it was brilliant. It’s quite a long book, and it does have a lot of detail and yet it doesn’t feel heavy-going. I found it utterly fascinating and am now planning to read the author’s book on genes in the coming months.

It’s Not Yet Dark by Simon Fitzmaurice

I’ve had this book on my TBR for a while and hadn’t picked it up because there was a brief time when MND was considered as a possible cause of my symptoms, and just the thought of it was terrifying. This book is incredible and is one that will really stay with me. It’s both sad and uplifting, and it’s always inspiring – I recommend it.


This week I’ve blogged three times:


Sunday: Weekly Wrap-Up Post

Wednesday: WWW Wednesday Post

Thursday: Review of Aches and Gains: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming your Pain by Paul J. Christo


This is what I’m currently reading:

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

I’ve had this on my TBR for ages and finally started reading it last night and I’m loving it. I’ve been reading bits out to my husband and now we both want to move to Denmark (and I’m only on chapter two!). I’m enjoying how this is a personal exploration of Jutland but includes info and stats about Denmark as a whole that really add to the reading experience.

A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke

I did say that I was only going to read non-fiction this month but Friday was a bit of a day so I needed escapism and my non-fiction picks weren’t cutting it. I’m enjoying this book, it’s been a good book to get lost in.

The Everything Store by Jeff Bezos

I have only read a couple more chapters of this book this week as I focused on the other books I was reading but I am still finding this really interesting and so will get back to it properly this coming week.



How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂

WWW Wednesdays (8 Nov)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone
This is a really interesting book, full of insights into how Amazon came to be. I’m only a quarter of the way through so far but it’s definitely a book I’ll be reading more of very soon.
The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee
This is an incredible book! I’ve been hooked from the start and have learnt so many things. It’s quite a long book and it’s packed full of information and history but it’s written in such an accessible and interesting way. I should finish this in the next couple of days and I’ll miss reading it once I’ve finished it.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Britain by David Cavanagh

I’m still enjoying reading this book a few pages at a time, it’s making me feel nostalgic for John Peel’s brilliant radio shows.

What I recently finished reading:

It’s Not Yet Dark by Simon Fitzmaurice

This book is so beautiful; it’s heartbreaking and life-affirming at the same time. I’ve put off reading this book for such a long time as I thought it might be too much for me but now I wish I’d picked it up sooner. This is definitely a book that I will keep and I know I’ll re-read it in the future. I’m going to try and review this one if I can get my thoughts together.

This House of Grief by Helen Garner

This was a hard book to read, in an emotional sense, and I needed a break in the middle of it but I’m so glad that I picked it back up. It was fascinating to read the story of a trial from the viewpoint of a journalist watching it all unfold. I think this may become one of my favourite non-fiction books.

A History of Britain in 21 Women by Jenni Murray

This was the first book I finished for Non-fiction November and I enjoyed it. It was interesting to see which women someone else picks as the most influential and interesting in British history.  I didn’t agree with all of her choices but it was fascinating to learn more about all of these women.

What I plan on reading next:

A Pound of Paper by John Baxter

I’m planning on picking this book up next as I think my brain could do with a slightly lighter non-fiction book after finishing The Emperor of All Maladies and It’s Not Yet Dark. I’m excited to curl up with a book about books and reading on these colder, darker evenings.

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

This is my other lighter, fun non-fiction read for this week. I’ve had this on my TBR for ages and am so keen to read it, especially as I’ve heard such good things about it.

Chase the Rainbow by Poorna Bell

This is a review book that I was sent a little while ago and I put it off due to the subject matter. I think it’s important to talk about mental health though so I’m going to try and read and review this book in the coming week or two.



What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Which books are you looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

Weekly Wrap-Up (5 Nov)

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted

This week I decided to take part in non-fiction November so I spent a while sorting through my print and kindle books to make a TBR for that. I read a fair bit of non-fiction anyway but I’m enjoying challenging myself to spend a whole month devoted to it. I haven’t felt too well this week but have been able to escape into books so I’ve been very glad of that.


This week I’ve finished reading five books:

This House of Grief by Helen Garner

I started this book about three weeks ago but I had to put it down because it felt a bit too overwhelming for me to read in one go. I picked it back up yesterday and found I then couldn’t put it down, I had to get to the end to see what happened. I think this book will stay with me for a long time to come and may well make it onto my favourite non-fiction books.

A History of Britain in 21 Women by Jenni Murray

This was one of my picks for non-fiction November and it was a great start to the challenge. I flew through this book – it was interesting to see which women Jenni Murray picked to write about and also to find out why. I’d recommend this one.

Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan

In typical bookaholic fashion I recently treated myself to a Jenny Colgan Christmas book, which I’m looking forward to reading next month, and it was only when I got home that I realised it was the third book in a trilogy. I also only then realised that I owned the first two books on my kindle so I’m going to try and get them read before December so that I can read the Christmas book. I loved the first book, it was such a gorgeous read and I adored it!

Lie With Me by Sabine Durrant

This has been on my review pile for way longer than it should have, and after reading it I regret leaving it so long because it was a really good read. I think I read it in two sittings and it just had me hooked from the start. Hopefully I’ll get my review for this written and posted soon.

All the Good Things by Clare Fisher

This book was such an emotional read. It’s one of those books that slowly gets under your skin until you just can’t put it down. I’ll be reviewing it on my blog as soon as I get my thoughts together about it but it is a book I definitely recommend.

This week I’ve blogged five times:

Sunday: Weekly Wrap-Up post

Sunday: Review of Snare by Lilja Sigurdardottir

Monday: Guest post by author Mimi Thebo on how her accident, subsequent PTSD and eventual recover as a teenager inspired to her write her novel Hospital High

Wednesday: WWW Wednesday post

Thursday: My (rather large) TBR for Non-Fiction November 2017


This is what I’m currently reading:

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone

This is a book I’ve owned for a while as I’m intrigued to know more about Amazon and how it came to be what it is now. I’ve only read the first couple of chapters so far but it’s interesting.

The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee

I’ve had this book on my TBR mountain for ages but whilst it is something I want to read, there is part of me that felt it could be an upsetting read. I’m so glad I picked it up in the last couple of days though as it’s utterly fascinating! It’s much more accessible that I was expecting it to be and it’s a book that once I got into, I haven’t wanted to put it down.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Life by David Cavanagh

I’m still enjoying dipping into this book and am loving all the stories – there are many things I didn’t know about John Peel and his earlier radio shows to it’s a really fun and interesting read.


How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂

WWW Wednesdays (1 Nov)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:


This House of Grief by Helen Garner

I’m back reading this book this week and am finding it very hard to put down. I’m intrigued to know how the case is going to turn out and how it will affect the author of this book.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Britain by David Cavanagh

I’m still loving dipping in and out of this book, it really is so wonderful to be learning more about John Peel’s earlier radio shows. I was an avid listener from the late 80s/early 90s onwards but missed out on the shows before that. I can’t recommend this book highly enough.


What I recently finished reading:

The Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan

I recently treated myself to Christmas at the Little Beach Street Bakery and it was only later that I realised it was the third book in this series, of which I already owned the first two so I decided to pick this one up. I love Jenny Colgan’s writing, it always makes me feel happy and this book is wonderful.

Lie With Me by Sabine Durrant

I’ve had an ARC of this on my TBR for way longer than I should have and now I’m kicking myself for not picking this up sooner because I flew through it. I will try and get a review of this written very soon.

All the Good Things by Clare Fisher

This book had me in tears by the end. It’s one of those books where you suspect how it’s going to end as you’re reading but you hope you’re wrong. I loved this book and will be reviewing it as soon as I get my thoughts together.

Aches and Gains by Paul L. Christo

I found this book really helpful and am glad I got the chance to read it. Not all of it was relevant to me but it was good to read about new treatments. I will review this soon too.

Kindness by Jamie Thurston

This book is gorgeous to look at, it’s really pretty and entices you to pick it up. I didn’t find anything new in the tips for showing kindness but it’s always nice to be reminded to be more compassionate.

Snare by Lilja Sigurdardóttir

I loved this book! It’s the first in a trilogy and I’m already eagerly anticipating the next book! I’ve already reviewed this so you can read my thoughts on it here if you’d like to.

One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern

This book has been on my TBR for ages and I finally picked it up a few days ago. It’s not my favourite Cecelia Ahern novel but I enjoyed it, it was a nice feel-good read.


What I plan on reading next:

I’ve decided to take part in #NonFictionNovember at the last minute so am in the middle of sorting out a TBR for that. It means I’ll be reading more non-fiction than fiction this month but I haven’t absolutely decided on which books as yet. I will be doing a separate TBR for this readathon in the next day or two so please look out for that.




What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Any books you’re looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

Weekly Wrap-Up (29 Oct)

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted

This week I got a notification from Goodreads letting me know that I’d completed my reading goal for the year. I was really surprised that I’ve achieved my goal already as my reading has been hit and miss this year but it’s great to have done it. I’m not going to increase my goal but I will still be reading lots of books as the year continues! I want to try and read from my existing TBR as much as I can from now on to try and decrease that as much as possible before the start of 2018!


I also spotted that I’d passed 6000 followers on twitter, which was a lovely thing to discover. Thanks to everyone who follows me on there too. 🙂


This week I’ve finished reading five books:

Aches and Gains by Paul L. Christo

This was such a useful book and is one I recommend to anyone living with chronic pain. I’ll be reviewing this very soon.

Kindness by Jamie Thurston

This is a book that is gorgeous to look at and is really well produced. It would make a lovely gift and does give ideas and reminders about how we would all benefit if we all showed a bit more kindness.

Snare by Lilja Sigurdardottir

I loved this book – it was a one-sitting read as I just couldn’t put it down. I’ve got a review of this on my blog today so you can read that here if you’d like to.

One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern

I’m such a big fan of Cecelia Ahern – I find her books are such wonderful comforting reads and I know I can trust her to always leave me feeling happier. This book wasn’t my favourite of hers but I still really enjoyed reading it. I loved the mystery behind the one hundred names and the reveal about them when it came.

Agatha Raisin and the Day the Floods Came by M. C. Beaton

It’s been absolutely ages since I last read an Agatha Raisin book (despite me having the next ten or so in the series on my TBR!) but it was such a treat to finally pick one up. I enjoyed this book so much and am now keen to keep on with these books. Agatha Raisin is such a great character!


This week I’ve blogged four times:

Sunday: Weekly Wrap-up Post

Wednesday: WWW Wednesday Post

Thursday: Review of Sofa, So Good – Me Life Story by Scarlett Moffatt

Friday: Review of How to be Champion by Sarah Millican


This is what I’m currently reading:

Lie With Me by Sabine Durrant

I’m ashamed to say that I’ve had an ARC of this on my TBR for way longer than I should have but I finally picked it up this week and it’s such a good read. It’s a book that’s hard to put down because it’s really got me wanting to know what’s going on between the characters and how it’s all going to end.

All the Good Things by Clare Fisher

I’m still really enjoying this book, I wish I’d picked it up sooner now but better late than never!

This House of Grief by Helen Garner

I’ve picked this book back up this week and am finding it so interesting.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Life by David Cavanagh

I’ve read a bit more of this book this week and am still really loving it. I’m still reading about radio shows that were before my time but it’s wonderful to be reminded of the way John Peel championed artists on his show.



How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂

WWW Wednesdays (25 Oct)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern

I love Cecelia Ahern’s books, so was shocked to realise that this one has been on my TBR since 2012! I picked it up yesterday and read most of it in the afternoon. It’s not my favourite of her books but I am really enjoying it.

Snare by Lilja Sigurdardóttir

This book is so good! It grabbed me from the opening chapter and now I’m intrigued to know how it’s going to turn out. It’s different to any book I’ve read recently so it’s really got me gripped!

All the Good Things by Clare Fisher

This is a review book that has been on my TBR since earlier this year so I decided I should really pick it up. I’m really enjoying this novel. It’s a bit different to what I was expecting but I feel really invested in the story and am now feeling a bit anxious at how it might all turn out in the end.

This House of Grief by Helen Garner

I’m still reading this book from last week as I just haven’t felt in the mood for non-fiction this week. This is such an interesting book though and I’m sure I’ll be back reading it in the next day or two.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Britain by David Cavanagh

I’m very much enjoying reading this book, it’s great to read in short bursts and it feels like such a treat every time I pick it up. I really, really miss John Peel on the radio though.

Aches and Gains: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Your Pain by Paul L. Christo

I’ve not read anymore of this in the last week but I will pick it up again soon. It’s hard to read about pain when you’re having a few bad pain days but now things have settled a bit I will go back to this. It’s a really useful book.


What I recently finished reading:

Agatha Raisin and the Day the Floods Came by M. C. Beaton

I love Agatha Raisin, I think she’s such a great character. I was shocked to realise that this book has been on my TBR for five years so therefore it must be that long since I last read a book in this series! It was fab to be back in Agatha’s world and I very much enjoyed reading this book. I have the next few in the series on my TBR already so I may pick the next one up very soon.

Where Love Begins by Judith Hermann

I can’t make up my mind how I feel about this book. I found it hooked me in while I was reading it but now I’ve finished it I feel like it’s already slipped away from me. It was a good book but somewhat evades me.

Sofa, So Good: Me Life Story by Scarlett Moffatt

I loved reading this book. Scarlett is so open, honest and down to earth that it’s impossible not to enjoy reading her story. I read it in one sitting and it really gave me a lift. I’ll be reviewing this very soon!

In a Cottage in a Wood by Cass Green

This was another book that grabbed me early on and I found very difficult to put down. It wasn’t as creepy as I’d thought it was going to be but it did have me hooked all the way through and I enjoyed reading it.

Trust Me by Zosia Wand

I loved this book – it was one of those novels that came along at the right time and I devoured it. I’ve already reviewed this one so you can read more of my thoughts here if you’d like to.

What I plan on reading next:

CopyCat by Alex Lake

I got an ARC of this book recently and it sounds so intriguing that I’m keen to read it very soon. Hopefully I can get to it this week.

The Break by Marian Keyes

I love Marian Keyes novels and so have been looking forward to this one. I’ll be honest and admit that I’ve already started this once and just couldn’t get into it but I’m hoping that the issue was with me so I want to give it another go.


What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Any books you’re looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

Weekly Wrap-Up! (22 Oct)

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted

This week has been okay. I’ve been unwell for a few days so had to rest up and I got a lot of reading done. I managed to finish a couple of books that I’ve been reading for a little while so that was nice.

Yesterday was really upsetting when I found out that because someone has reported me to Facebook for not using my surname on there. Facebook are holding me to ransom saying that unless I give them two documents with my real name on (which they’d then use on my account) they’ll delete not only my account but also my Facebook page. I have good reason for not using my surname online so refuse to give it to Facebook. This means I’ll no longer be able to have a presence on Facebook unless I can find a way around this. Being housebound social media is really important to me so I’m really sad that someone has caused this to happen to me. My husband is looking into if we can appeal to Facebook but unless I can figure something out then I’ll no longer be on there once they delete my account and page. So if you follow me on there and see my page disappear this is why.

Anyway, on to the books…


This week I’ve finished reading seven books:

Where Love Begins by Judith Hermann

I have to admit that whilst this is a short novel I did struggle with it a bit. It’s one of those books that I really enjoyed when I was reading it but when I put it down I just wasn’t drawn to pick it back up. Yesterday evening I made the time to just read it through to the end and it was more enjoyable that way but it still left me feeling a bit indifferent to it. The idea for the novel was great so it may just be a case of right book wrong time for me.

Sofa So Good: Me Life Story by Scarlett Moffatt

I was sent a copy of this for review and it was the perfect read for me this week. I read it in one sitting and I enjoyed it so much. I’ll be reviewing this one very soon!

In A Cottage in a Wood by Cass Green

This is a book I got from NetGalley recently so picked it up this week and I devoured it. I was expecting it to be a bit more unnerving than it was but it had me hooked all the way through and it was good escapism.

Trust Me by Zosia Wand

I very much enjoyed this book, it’s another one that I read in one sitting as I just didn’t want to put it down. It made for a late night but it was worth it! I’ve already reviewed this one so you can read more of what I thought here if you’d like to.

All the Wicked Girls by Chris Whitaker

I’m ashamed to say that I was sent a copy of this book for review quite a while ago not but I just haven’t been able to manage holding a physical book over the summer so it’s had to wait. It was worth the wait though because this was such a brilliant read. I’m still trying to get my thoughts together but I will review it soon – in the meantime I definitely recommend it!

Titanic Love Stories by Gill Paul

I’ve had this on my TBR for ages so as I’m trying to mix reading review books with reading books that I’ve owned since before the start of the year I decided to pick this one up. It was an enjoyable and moving read but I just wish it had had a bit more depth. It’s worth picking up if you’re interested in books about the Titanic though.

Anything You Do Say by Gillian McAllister

This book is so good! I love Sliding Doors type books anyway but this one is done so well and I’m still thinking about it now. I hope to get my review written and posted soon but I can say now that I highly recommend this book!


This week I’ve blogged four times:

Sunday: Life Update and Weekly Wrap-Up

Wednesday: WWW Wednesday post

Thursday: Extract from Bad Sister by Sam Carrington for the blog tour

Friday: Review of Trust Me by Zosia Wand for the blog tour


This is what I’m currently reading:

Agatha Raisin and the Day the Floods Came by M.C. Beaton

I haven’t read an Agatha Raisin book for ages but I picked this one off my TBR last night as it seemed it would be perfect escapism when I was feeling so down last night. It was the right choice because I’m loving this book.

All the Good Things by Clare Fisher

I’ve had an ARC of this on my kindle for a few months now so decided it was time to pick it up. I’m really enjoying this – it’s hooked me in very quickly and I’m keen to get back to it to see where this novel is going.

This House of Grief by Helen Garner

I’ve only read a couple more chapters of this since last week as I just wasn’t in the right mood to read it but I do want to get back to it soon.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Life by David Cavanagh

I’m still dipping in and out of this book and I love it. There are some wonderful stories from John Peel’s radio shows and I feel like I can almost hear his voice as I’m reading.

Aches and Gains: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Your Pain by Paul L. Christo

I’m also still reading this book on and off – it’s not a book I can read straight through as I want to take in what he’s saying. This is a great book for anyone who suffers from chronic pain, or cares for someone who does.


How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂

WWW Wednesdays (18 Oct)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

In a Cottage in a Wood by Cass Green

I got a copy of this book from NetGalley recently and was keen to read it so picked it up yesterday. It’s a really fast-paced book and I found myself drawn in very easily. I’m looking forward to getting back to this one very soon.

This House of Grief: The Story of a Murder Trial by Helen Garner

This is a book that’s been on my TBR for a while and so when I spotted it on the pile the other day I decided to give it a try. It’s a really engrossing account of a murder trial; it’s one of those books that whilst being non-fiction it reads like fiction so is easy to get into and follow. I’m intrigued by the story and to see what happens later in the book.

Where Love Begins by Judith Hermann

This is a short novel and one I enjoy whilst I’m reading it but I’m finding that when I put it down I’m not drawn back to it. I think I maybe need to make the time to just sit and read to the end in one sitting as it’s perhaps a book that needs to be read like that.

Trust Me by Zosia Wand

I’m really enjoying this book, it’s got me enthralled. The only reason I haven’t read it in one sitting is because it’s a print book (rather than an ebook) so is harder for me to hold for long periods. I definitely recommend this book though.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Britain by David Cavanagh

This is my current dip in and out of book and I’m enjoying it so much. I loved listening to John Peel so this is a wonderful book to re-live his radio shows and to think back over the music I’ve discovered because of him. I recommend this one to music fans.

Aches and Gains: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Your Pain by Paul L. Christo

This is a really useful book for anyone who suffers from chronic pain, or anyone who is close to, or cares for, someone with chronic pain. I’ll be reviewing this book once I’ve finished reading it.


What I recently finished reading:

Titanic Love Stories by Gill Paul

This is another book that has been on my TBR for ages but I finally picked it up a couple of days ago. It’s a short book with some background on the Titanic but the focus is on the honeymooners who were on the ship. I found this to be a much more emotional read than I was expecting, it’s heartbreaking to think of those young couples and all their hopes and dreams.

All the Wicked Girls by Chris Whitaker

I’m ashamed to say that this is a review book that I’ve had on my TBR since earlier this year. It’s been too difficult for me to read print books in recent months so this has just had to wait until I was stronger. I finally picked it up this week and read it in just a couple of sittings. It’s such an engrossing read and I found it really got under my skin. I’ll be reviewing this one very soon.

Anything You Do Say by Gillian McAllister

This is a take on the Sliding Doors idea and is such a great read. I found this very difficult to put down as I was desperate to know how things were going to turn out in both scenarios. I’ll be reviewing this one soon too but I recommend it.

Blue Nights by Joan Didion

I’ve had this one for a while too and decided to pick it up at the weekend. It’s such a moving and honest memoir of the love Joan had for her daughter, and how she is coping with the loss of her. This is one of those books that is painful to read but at the same time I found I could identify with a lot of the emotions. It’s a book I feel sure I will pick up and re-read in the future.


What I plan on reading next:

Snare by Lijia Sigurdardóttir

I was sent a copy of this to review for the blog tour so I will definitely be reading this in the next week or so. I’m really looking forward to this one – the cover on its own was enough to have me intrigued about the story and to want to read the novel.

The One That Got Away by Annabel Kantaria

This is another review book that’s on my TBR and I’ve been so keen to read it. Now I feel a bit more able to read print books I’ve put this one at the top of the pile. I hope to read it in the next week or two.



What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Any books you’re looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

Life Update and a Weekly Wrap-Up!

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted

It has been ages since I was blogging regularly and I can’t even remember the last time I posted a proper update. I have honoured my commitments to blog tours so they are the only things I’ve posted since early in the summer. I do want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has continued to read my blog, and to comment even when I’ve not been around, it really does mean a lot to me.

So some of you will know that a year ago I took the decision to start reducing my pain meds. I’d been on incredibly strong meds since before my diagnosis but my pain levels have remained high despite the meds. So I did a lot of research and the general consensus in the medical profession seemed to be that painkillers don’t really work for people with chronic pain like mine. I discussed things with my doctor and I started a reduction plan. It has been a rough year as every time I reduced I had a period of feeling very unwell with pain throughout my body but it would eventually settle again. A few weeks ago I finally got completely off my long-acting pain medication, which was a big achievement. I was still taking the short-acting morphine though so that was the next thing to tackle. I was meant to wean myself off it but I decided to go cold turkey. It was hell. It was worse than I was expecting, and I’d planned for it to be awful! My husband is a huge support to me and he got me through it. I’m now almost six weeks down the line and while I still don’t feel great, I do feel like my body is very gradually beginning to adjust. I am on a lower level pain medication now but I’m continuing to utilise all the things I’ve learnt in the last two years and hope that in time I can reduce these meds too. I will be in pain for the rest of my life because it’s just the nature of the damage done in my neck and spine but I really want to see if I can find a way to live with the pain rather than taking loads of painkillers.

As you can probably imagine, for a lot of the summer and into autumn my reading has tapered off quite a lot. I haven’t been able to concentrate very well, plus I’ve had a lot of headaches etc. This past week I treated myself to a book I’ve been so keen to read and I devoured it, and that made me happier than I can even put into words. My reading mojo feels like it’s on its way back as I’ve read quite a few books this week so I’m really hoping that this trend continues!

Now I’m reading closer to my normal level again I’ve felt like I want to get back to blogging but it’s been such a long, and unplanned for, break that I haven’t felt like I could just start. So I’m writing this weekly wrap-up and life update as a way of letting you all know what’s been happening with me and a way of just feeling my way back into the blogging world!



So without further ado, here are the books I’ve finished reading this week:

Lily Alone by Vivien Brown

I got a review copy of this from NetGalley but also discovered the audio version on my subscription service so I part read and part listened to this. This book wasn’t exactly what I was expecting it to be but I flew through it because it had me engrossed from the very first chapter. I will write a full review of this on my blog soon.

Queer: A Graphic History by Meg-John Barker

I’m sorry to say that I didn’t really get on with this book, which is a shame because I was really keen to read it. I think the cover makes it seem like this is more of a graphic novel than it is, and also it doesn’t make it clear that this is a brief overview of queer theory. I’ve already studied queer theory as part of my degree so there was nothing new for me in here, but I’m not sure I’d even recommend it to someone who wanted to know more as it all felt very dry and it skimmed over lots of things and gave very little detail in my opinion.

Good as You: From Prejudice to Pride – 30 Years of Gay Britain by Paul Flynn

This is a book that I’ve wanted ever since I first heard it of it earlier this year and I finally treated myself to the lovely hardback this week. I’m so happy to say that this book is brilliant, I loved every minute that I spent reading this. This is a great non-fiction book because it’s informative but written in such an easy-to-read style. This is the book that I flew through over a couple of days… I highly recommend this one!

I Heart Forever by Lindsey Kelk

I love the I Heart… books so when I saw a new one was coming out I was super excited to read it. I picked this up at a perfect time when I just needed a light-hearted read and I found I just couldn’t put it down. I read an ARC so I will be reviewing this one on my blog soon.

Blue Nights by Joan Didion

I’ve wanted to read this book for ages and it caught my eye on my bookshelf this week. I read it two sittings and found it to be such an open and honest exploration of her love for her daughter and grief at her loss. This is one of those books that I will re-read, and it’s certainly one that will stay with me.



This is what I’m currently reading:

Anything You Do Say by Gillian McAllister

This book is so good! I love the way it’s a take on the sliding doors idea and takes the reader through two alternate realities of happened next in the aftermath of a terrible incident after a night out. I’ve been racing through this book because I just don’t want to put it down, and I’m so keen to find out how it will all turn out in the end.

Trust Me by Zosia Wand

I was thrilled to be sent a copy of this novel to review as it’s one I was aware of and was looking forward to reading. I’m really enjoying it so far and can’t wait to read more.

Where Love Begins by Judith Hermann

This is one of those books that I don’t really know what to say about it. When I’m reading it it has me engaged and wanting to know more but when I put it down the plot drifts away from me. I am enjoying it though and am keen to see where it’s going.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Life by David Cavanagh

I’ve had this on my TBR for a little while now but I was keen to pick it up after listening to some of the highlights of John Peel’s radio shows during Radio 1’s recent 50th birthday weekend. I loved listening to John Peel over the years and still miss discovering new music via his recommendations. This book is a look at some of his shows and his relationship to the music and the artists. It’s easy to dip in and out of, but it’s also easy to lose and hour or two of time as you read and reminisce. I definitely recommend this one!

Aches and Gains: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Your Pain by Paul L. Christo

This is a non-fiction book about the different types of pain, and various conditions that cause pain; plus a look at the range of treatment options available. I’m finding it interesting, in particular where it relates to my own conditions. I’m reading an ARC so I will be reviewing this once I’ve finished reading it.



As you may remember I decided to track my TBR on my blog this year and have been showing the sums of how my TBR has increased or decreased over the course of this year. I’ve recently got rid of a stack of books and am in the process of sorting through my kindle books so my TBR numbers are a bit all over the place just now and I’ve lost track of it a bit. I do want to continue with following the state of my TBR but I’ve decided to put this to one side for the rest of this year and will start it again in 2018.


How has your week (or even the last few months) been for you? Have you read any good books recently? I’d love to catch up so please feel free to leave a link to your latest wrap-up in the comments below.


WWW Wednesday (26 Jul) What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.

What I’m reading now:

One Night in November by Amelie Antoine

This is a non-fiction book about the terrorist attack on the Bataclan in Paris in 2015. It’s an incredibly moving, and very difficult, book to read. I keep having to put it down but I will finish it. It is well written, it’s just a very tough subject to read about.

All Out War: How Brexit Sunk Britain’s Political Class by Tim Shipman

This is my latest audio book and I’m really enjoying it. It’s a well-balanced look at what happened politically that led to the referendum, and the result to leave the EU. It’s a long book but it’s fascinating and engaging.

The Fact of a Body by Alexandria Marzano-Levinich

This is a really interesting book and I’m so glad I picked it up. It’s non-fiction but the author is very much within the story being told, and there are parts that have been imagined based on the facts that are known. I’ll be reviewing this one once I’ve read it but I can already say that I’ll be recommending it.

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

I’ve not read much of this in the last few days but I am so invested in this book now and will be reading more of it very soon.


What I recently finished reading:

Her Deadly Secret by Chris Curran

I really enjoyed this thriller and actually read it in one sitting as I just couldn’t put it down. It’s fast-paced and keeps you gripped. I’ve already reviewed this for the blog tour so you can read my thoughts here if you’d like to know more of what I thought of it.

Letters to Sarah by Sara Payne

This is such a moving and heartbreaking read, but an inspiring read at the same time. It’s a book to take time over and perhaps read one letter at a time but it’s a book I’d recommend.


What I plan on reading next:

Yesterday by Felicia Yap

I was so excited when I got approved for this on NetGalley a couple of weeks back and it’s been calling to me from my TBR ever since so I’m hoping I can start it in the next couple of days.

Idaho by Emily Ruskovich

I’ve had this book on my review pile for a little while now and it’s a book that keeps catching my eye so I’m also hoping to make time to read this one in the next week too.



What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Any books you’re looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

Weekly Wrap-Up! (23 Jul)

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted

This week has been lovely as my husband has been on holiday from work. I’m not able to be out and about very much but it’s been nice to spend time together. He finally persuaded me to start watching Stranger Things, and I’m so annoyed that I put it off for so long before I’m absolutely loving it.

It’s been a strange last couple of days. I always find it hard to know that people I love are going through grief and sadness when I can’t do anything to really help.


This week I’ve finished reading four books:

Letters to Sarah by Sara Payne

This was a really emotional read but also an interesting one. Sara Payne is a remarkable woman in how she’s channeled her pain into trying to keep other children safe. I was also really inspired by how she’s worked to recover as much as she can after her stroke.

Three Days and a Life by Pierre LeMaitre

This book was brilliant! I literally couldn’t put it down and read it in one sitting. I’m a big fan of Pierre LeMaitre and this book absolutely lived up to all my expectations. I’ll be reviewing this as soon as I can but I highly recommend it.

After I’ve Gone by Linda Green

I was really intrigued by the premise for this book and the way social media was used to show someone their future. There was more to this book than I was expecting and I was really gripped by it. I read a review copy so I will be trying to get my review for this posted soon.

The Other Twin by Lucy V. Hay

This book grabbed me from the opening chapter and had me so intrigued that I just couldn’t put it down. I’ve already reviewed this one so you can read my thoughts on it here if you’d like to.


This week I’ve blogged four times:

Sunday: Weekly Wrap-Up post

Tuesday: Review of Not a Sound by Heather Gudenkauf

Wednesday: WWW Wednesday post

Thursday: Review of The Other Twin by Lucy V. Hay


This is what I’m currently reading:

Her Deadly Secret by Chris Curran

This is one of those books that really grabs you from the start and makes you wish you’d started it at a time when you could just read all afternoon and finish it in one sitting.

The Fact of a Body by Alexandria Marzano-Lesnivich

I’d been really keen to read this book before I started it and yet somehow I didn’t know much about it. I’m completely gripped by it – it’s non-fiction but assumptions are made about certain situations in order to fill in blanks so it’s not completely non-fiction. It’s one of those books that really makes you think about things and I’m looking forward to reading more of it.

Do Not Become Alarmed by Maile Meloy

I have to be honest and say that I’ve not been drawn to read any more of this novel this week. I’m going to keep it on my currently reading pile for another week and then if it still hasn’t called to me I may just DNF it. I don’t know if the problem is just me as the premise really grabbed me initially.

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

I’ve read another few chapters of this and am finding it fascinating. It’s non-fiction but it’s written in a way that really flows so I’d recommend this to anyone, even if you don’t normally read non-fiction.


Update on my TBR: 


As you may have noticed I didn’t post a Stacking the Shelves post yesterday and the reason for that is I didn’t buy or receive any new books by the time I normally write and schedule my post! I’m sure you’re all as shocked as I am!!


TBR at the start of January 2017: 1885 (see my State of the TBR post)

TBR in last week’s Wrap-Up: 1999


Books bought/received for review/gifts: 0


Books read this week: 4

TBR Books culled this week: 0


TBR now stands at: 1996



How’s your week been? I hope it’s been a good week, I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to and what you’ve been reading over the last seven days. If you do a wrap-up post please feel free to share a link below.

WWW Wednesday (19 Jul) What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.

What I’m reading now:



The Fact of a Body by Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich

I only started reading this late last night so I haven’t read much of it as yet but it’s already got under my skin and I’m keen to get back to it and find out what’s going to happen.


Letters to Sarah by Sara Payne

I bought this book last week and have been reading it off and on ever since. It’s a very open and honest, and incredibly moving book about Sara’s life since her daughter Sarah was murdered in 2000.

Do Not Become Alarmed by Maile Meloy

I’m going to be honest and say that while this book grabbed me very quickly in the beginning I’m finding the middle part a bit of a slog, it feels like the pace has dropped for me. I am still intrigued enough to want to know how things will end for these families so I will keep reading but am hoping the pace picks up again soon.

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

This book is such a great read – it’s disturbing but so interesting that I’m hooked on it now. I’m not reading it as fast as I’d normally read a book but it has definitely grabbed me.

What I recently finished reading:

Three Days and a Life by Pierre LeMaitre

I was sent a copy of this for review and have been so excited to read it as I love Pierre LeMaitre’s writing. This book felt a bit different to his previous novels but it’s no less engrossing and disturbing! I hope to get my review of this posted soon but in the meantime I highly recommend this one.

After I’ve Gone by Linda Green

I very much enjoyed reading this book. I loved the premise of someone knowing what was in their future and then reading to see if what was in the future is what actually happened. I was sent a copy of this book for review so I’ll be writing that and sharing it very soon.

The Other Twin by Lucy V. Hay

I read this in just two sittings as it grabbed me from the opening pages and kept me in it’s grasp until the very last page. I’m on the blog tour for this book tomorrow so I’ll be sharing my review then.

Baby Lost by Hannah Robert

This was such a moving book about Hannah’s life after she was in a car accident while 8 months pregnant and her unborn baby didn’t survive. I found that while I’ve never experienced what Hannah has I could identify with her grieving process and I’m really glad I read this book. I recommend it.


What I plan on reading next:


Is Monogamy Dead? by Rosie Gilby

I’m on the blog tour for this book at the beginning of August so am planning to read this in the next week. I’m really looking forward to this one as it looks like a really interesting read.

Her Deadly Secret by Chris Curran

I’m also on the blog tour for this book soon so will definitely be reading it over the next few days. I’ve got high hopes for this one as I’ve enjoyed the author’s previous book and this one sounds even more like my type of book!


What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Any books you’re looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

Weekly Wrap-Up! (16 Jul)

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted

This week has been a tiring week but a good one. My husband has been on holiday from work so we’ve been out a couple of times for short periods. It’s physically difficult for me to go out – the getting ready plus my brain and spine don’t cope well with being in a car – but it’s so wonderful mentally to be out.

This week also brought good news on the health-front as I finally had my assessment for a new leg brace. I’ve now had a plaster cast made for a new custom brace, which should hopefully be ready next month. The new brace will have cut-outs in the side so that it will be less cumbersome, which will be great. The person I saw really listened to what I said and seems keen to try and make things easier for me where possible. My current leg brace is so big in the foot that I have to buy mens shoes that are 2-3 sizes too big for me! The new orthotics team have said they’ll fit my brace more closely to my foot so I’ll only need to get shoes just one size too big this time so even that made me happy. 🙂

I haven’t done so much reading this week as I’ve been really tired and not able to concentrate much with having had a busy week but I have enjoyed the small amount of reading that I’ve done.


This week I’ve finished reading two books:

Baby Lost by Hannah Robert

It’s taken me a little while to read this book because I was drawn to fiction last month but I’m so glad that I came back to this and finished. I got this for review so will be sharing my thoughts on it as soon as I get them in order.

Not A Sound by Heather Gudenkauf

I really enjoyed this thriller so am very pleased to be on the blog tour for it this week! I’ll be sharing my review on the 18th July so please look out for that then.


This week I’ve blogged four times:

Sunday: Weekly Wrap-Up post

Tuesday: Review of Last Seen by Lucy Clarke along with a guest post on beach hunting by Lucy

Wednesday: WWW Wednesday post

Saturday: Stacking the Shelves post


This is what I’m currently reading:

Letters to Sarah by Sara Payne

This book showed up on the recommendations page on Amazon last night and I decided to buy the ebook. I’ve not even put this in a book haul yet but I’ve already started reading it. It’s a very moving read but such an open and honest book too.

After I’ve Gone by Linda Green

I’m really enjoying this book, it seems a bit different to other thrillers that I’ve read recently and I’m so keen to find out how it will end.

Do Not Become Alarmed by Maile Meloy

This book isn’t what I thought it was going to be but I’m definitely invested in it enough to keep reading as I want to know how things are going to turn out.

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

I’m reading this in between my other books at the moment as it feels quite heavy for my brain just now but I am definitely hooked and will be reading this as often as I feel I can.



Update on my TBR:

TBR at the start of January 2017: 1885 (see my State of the TBR post)

TBR in last week’s Wrap-Up: 1991


Books bought/received for review/gifts: 9


Books read this week: 2

TBR Books culled this week: 0


TBR now stands at: 1999



How’s your week been? I hope it’s been a good week, I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to and what you’ve been reading over the last seven days. If you do a wrap-up post please feel free to share a link below.