2017 Reading Reflections, Bookish Plans for 2018 & The State of my TBR!



I set myself a goal to read 200 books in 2017 and that felt like a good number – one that would push me to read instead of faffing about but also one that would allow me to read some bigger books that have been languishing on my bookcases for a while. I ended up reading 252 books, which is the most books I’ve read in a year since I started my Goodreads account and began tracking my reading in 2010!



According to Goodreads the shortest book that I read was Christmas Poems by Wendy Cope, which was 39 pages long. It’s such a gorgeous book and was a joy to read in the run up to the festive period. The longest book I read was The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton at 849 pages long. I devoured this book over the course of a few days and I loved it. I was expecting it to be a bit of a trudge at times but it it really wasn’t. I do think it’s a book best enjoyed in big chunks though, I don’t think I would have followed it so well if I’d dipped in and out of it over a longer period. My average page count for the year was 325 pages, which I’m really happy with because that’s roughly the length of an average-ish book so it means I wasn’t reading short books to make up numbers.

I took on the Mount TBR 2017 challenge on Goodreads last year and I chose to try and read 100 books from my TBR that I owned before the 31 December 2016 and I’m so pleased that I achieved this. One of the books that made it onto my favourite novels of the year was The Poisonwood Bible, which I had owned unread for around TWENTY YEARS! I’m kicking myself for leaving it so long because I loved it and it’s a book that has really stayed with me. I haven’t signed up for the 2018 Mount TBR Challenge as yet but I probably will do as it’s a good way to give some attention to books that have been on my TBR for a while.

2017 was the first year that I properly tracked my reading in a spreadsheet and I have to say that I have ADORED being able to see how my reading pans out in much more detail and to track things that Goodreads doesn’t really enable me to do.




I discovered from my spreadsheet in 2017 that of the 252 books I read over the year 182 of them (72%) were written by women. I didn’t consciously seek to read more female authors over the year so it was interesting that I read so many more women than men. I’m now interested to see if this is usual pattern in my read as I go into my second year of tracking my books on a spreadsheet.



I read more books in December than any other month… 29 books! This is because around Christmas I do like to read some poetry and also some children’s Christmas books, which are often shorter than novels for adults. My page count for December was still high at 8480. Going by page count February was my biggest reading month coming in at 8495 pages spread over 26 books!



It was interesting to see where my reading tastes lie over the course of a year and to see what genres I read the most of too. 31% of my reading was non-fiction (spread over general non-fiction and memoir), which works out at 79 books. I’m pleased with this in the sense that I did push myself out of my comfort zone a bit more with non-fiction and read some harder books. I would like to increase the ratio of non-fiction to fiction in 2018 if I can. My fiction reading is mostly split between general fiction and thriller/crime fiction, which doesn’t surprise me. I love thrillers and knew I’d read a lot of them last year.


This is a breakdown of my entire owned books TBR by page-length…

As some of you may remember I started tracking my TBR part way through 2017 as I was trying to force myself to get it under control. I thought it would be interesting to do TBR maths on my wrap-up posts to try and stop buying more books than I was reading. This ended in complete and utter failure! I had a couple of months in the summer where I wasn’t really reading or blogging much but I was still buying books to cheer myself up. Then during a de-clutter of my house I found a whole load of books that had never been added to Goodreads so had never been counted on my TBR. It all felt a bit overwhelming so after my blogging break I decided to scrap tracking my TBR but I promised I would start again in 2018 and I will. This year I’m using Portal in the Pages‘ fab spreadsheet again and she has now included a page where you can add your entire TBR of books owned before the start of the year and the spreadsheet will keep a running total. I am excited beyond words at this… Well, I was until I realised just how big my TBR is! My entire TBR of books owned-but-not-read-yet stands at 2756 books! Eeeek! I really am going to curb my book accumulating this year and am going to make a real effort to reduce this number so will be tracking my TBR on my monthly wrap-up posts, and possibly on my weekly posts too.

So all-in-all 2017 was a great reading year and I’m really looking forward to reading my way through 2018 (and attempting to reduce my TBR)! How was your reading last year? Did you have any goals, and if so did you achieve them? What are your reading plans for 2018? If you’ve written a post about your bookish reflections please feel free to leave a link in the comments and I’ll make sure that I read it.



23 thoughts on “2017 Reading Reflections, Bookish Plans for 2018 & The State of my TBR!

  1. These are some great statistics! You did very well last year. I’m sure you’ll do better this year. My goal this year is to read at least 100 books. I’ve read 3 so far so I’m doing pretty good.

    I don’t drop links but since you asked, here’s my 2018 reading and Blogging Resolutions: https://wp.me/p9bxM4-Lz

  2. I am so impressed with how much you’ve read, Hayley! What a reading year! I’m glad you were able to get so many good reads in, and I respect the way that you kept track of it all.

    • Thank you 🙂 I don’t think I’ve ever read so many books in one year before, certainly not as an adult. It was a good year for books. I really enjoyed keeping track on a spreadsheet so I’m going to keep that up this year.

    • I totally get that! I just felt like I need to do something to try and make myself get control of my TBR. I’m not sure I’ll ever manage it but I’m going to really try this year… if nothing else I want to stop it getting any bigger!
      I’m so behind with blogs at the moment but I’m going to read your December Chit Chat post right now 🙂

  3. I am in awe of your reading powers, Hayley. And I can’t believe the number of books owned and not yet read… should keep you in business for a few years.

    • I’ve always enjoyed non-fiction but over the last couple of years I’ve tried to make more effort to pick it up. It’s nice to read a mix of things.
      I’ll go read your 2017 round-up post now, thanks for leaving the link.
      I hope 2018 is a great reading year for you too.

  4. That’s a stunning number of books, Hayley! Thank you for also publishing your stats – my goodness, you do have a strong gender bias, but I think it’s all to the good, given just how much male authors feature in certain genres.

  5. Pingback: My Weekly Wrap-Up (14 Jan)! | RatherTooFondofBooks

  6. Pingback: My January Wrap-Up post! | RatherTooFondofBooks

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