WWW Wednesdays (24 Jan)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

This is How it Ends by Eva Dolan

I picked this up the other day and I’m really enjoying it. I love how it’s told in a non-linear fashion so that a picture of what is going on is gradually being built up. It’s a book that I keep thinking about when I’m not reading it, which is always the sign of a good read.

Meeting Lydia by Linda MacDonald

This is my audio book for this week and I’m enjoying it. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book when I accepted it for review but it’s got me wanting to listen to more whenever I can. I’ll be reviewing this on Saturday so look out for my thoughts then if you want to know more.

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

I’m still reading a chapter of this here and there and enjoying it. I don’t agree with all Marie Kondo’s ideas but all books on de-cluttering get me in the right mindset to have a sort out, which I love.

Winter by Ali Smith

I managed to read a bit more of this book this week and am still finding it such an incredible novel. I just wish the hardcover wasn’t as tightly bound as it is because it means I just can’t hold it to read for more than a few minutes at a time.


What I recently finished reading:

Three Things about Elsie by Joanna Cannon

I read this over the weekend and I just completely and utterly adored it. It’s a stunning book and I already want to pick it up and read it again! I’m in the middle of writing my review so I hope to get that posted soon.

This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay

This book was eye-opening! I found it so readable, and I read it in just two sittings, but it was heartbreaking at times. It’s a real insight into the NHS and I highly recommend it to everyone.

In These Days of Rain by Rebecca Stott

I listened to this on audio book and got completely engrossed in it. It’s such an honest and moving memoir, one that feels like it will stay with me for a long time to come.

Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan

I really loved this book, it was so good. I’m struggling to review it because I enjoyed it so much but I definitely recommend it.


What I plan on reading next:

The Confession by Jo Spain

I won a copy of this book a while ago and have been so keen to read it, especially after seeing the rave reviews it’s getting, so I’m going to try and pick it up this week.

The Break by Marian Keyes

This is a review book that I’ve had for a little while but have been keen to read it. I did start it once before but it was the wrong time so I put it to one side and now I feel like I’m just in the right mood to read a Marian Keyes so I’m putting this on my TBR for the coming week.

A Book of Untruths by Miranda Doyle

This is another review book that I’ve had for a little while now and it was calling to me when I was looking for my next read so I’m going to try and start this over the next week or so.



What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Any books you’re looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

35 thoughts on “WWW Wednesdays (24 Jan)! What are you reading this week?

  1. Oh, you do have some great books there, Hayley. I’m especially happy to see the Dolan. I think her series is very well-written, and I do like the characters. I can see why you’re already drawn in.

  2. I think with Marie Kondo, it’s like a lot of advice books — you take what works for you and ignore the rest. I do like some of her perspectives on keeping things which you actually have no use for, but then she advocates getting rid of books and… just… why?! Haha.

    • Yes, that’s very true. I completely agree about Kondo’s attitude to books – I was horrified in her other book where she recommended ripping out the pages you want to keep and then throwing the rest of the book in the bin! For me, books spark the most joy so they have to be kept! 🙂 I find that her advice generally helps me focus on only keeping useful things and things that bring me joy though.

  3. I know exactly what you mean about it being difficult to write reviews of great books. You so much want to do them justice and sometimes it’s so difficult to express what you felt in words. Guess that’s why we’re not bestselling authors!

  4. I like the premise of This is How It Ends – thank you for sharing, Hayley. And as ever, looking at the variety of books you read is boggling… Have a wonderful reading week!

  5. This Is Going To Hurt sounds fascinating! And I’m glad to hear you enjoyed Anatomy Of A Scandal. Enjoy your books this week and happy reading!

    • Yes, I agree about Marian Keyes – I already put The Break down once as it wasn’t grabbing me but I started it again today and I’m hooked. I’m enjoying dipping in and out of Spark Joy, it’s motivating me at the moment so I’m keeping going for now. 🙂

  6. The Confession is excellent! And I’m glad you enjoyed This is How it Ends so much – I’ve been considering picking up a copy!

  7. Pingback: My Weekly Wrap-Up (28 Jan)! | RatherTooFondofBooks

  8. I really enjoyed The Break however it had a large and small theme that made it uncomfortable reading for me (I’ve become really weird about reading about marital issues since I got married, which is quite annoying as really most books have that somewhere!) so it had to be the right time for me. But I found it intricate, funny and well done, and I think Keyes keeps on getting better and deeper with time.

    I can’t remember what I was reading on Wednesday, probably the big book on Virtual Reality which is interesting, and perhaps still Spectacles. I have got horribly behind with my blog reading, having a massive catch-up today!

    • I didn’t expect The Break to have the depth to it that it had, it really did affect me and I keep thinking about it now I’ve finished it. I agree that she does seem to get better and better.
      I’m so behind on replying to comments, and commenting on blogs. I’m behind on writing reviews too thanks to my laptop dramas but I’m trying to get caught up. Hope you managed to catch up.

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