WWW Wednesdays (15 Nov)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

Coco Chanel:The Legend and the Life by Justine Picardie

This gorgeous book was a Christmas gift from my husband seven years ago! I’m horrified that I somehow haven’t picked it up until now but better late than never and I am thoroughly enjoying this book. It’s a beautifully published book with lots of great photos throughout.

Whatever… Love is Love: Questioning the Labels We Give Ourselves by Maria Bello

This wasn’t on my #NonFictionNovember2017 TBR but it is non-fiction so it still counts. I have the ebook but I was looking for an audio book and spotted it so decided to part listen and part read it. It’s an easy book to listen to so I’m glad I picked it up.

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

I’m about half-way through this now and am really enjoying it. I love the way it’s a personal story with facts weaved in throughout.

The Everything Store by Brad Stone

I’m still finding this book eye-opening and interesting but my reading of it has slowed a little as I’ve been in need of lighter/easier reads over the last week.


What I recently finished reading:

Saving Sophie by Sam Carrington

So, I broke my own #NonFictionNovember2017 rule to only read non-fiction this month as I just needed the pure escapism that I can get lost in for a while and so I turned to fiction. This was a fast-paced thriller and definitely got me out of my own head for a while.

Thinking Out Loud by Rio Ferdinand and Decca Aikenhead

This book wasn’t on my #NonFictionNovember2017 TBR either but it is non-fiction so that’s okay. I’ve been interested in reading this for a while so when I spotted it on the read now part of NetGalley the other day I immediately downloaded it. It’s a very moving book and I’m glad I read it. I hope to get my review finished and posted later this week.

A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke

This is the other novel that I read this week and I really enjoyed this one. I’m a big fan of Lucy Clarke’s writing and it’s always great to get engrossed in one of her novels. I really enjoyed this one.

Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This is another book that isn’t on my November TBR but this is one I’ve wanted to read since it came out and so I finally picked it up yesterday. It’s a really interesting book and one that makes you think. I recommend it.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Britain by David Cavanagh

This book was wonderful! I loved reading about John Peel’s radio shows and being reminded of just how brilliant he was. I felt really quite sad when I turned the last page of this and I’m missing having it to dip in and out of. I highly recommend this one.

The Emperor of all Maladies by Siddharta Mukherjee

This is such a fascinating read! It’a long book and yet I seemed to fly through it – it’s written in such an accessible way and I very much enjoyed it.

What I plan on reading next:

Dear Cathy… Love, Mary by Catherine Conlon & May Phelan

I’ve had this book on my TBR for ages and every time I see it I’m reminded of how much I want to read it because I know I’ll love it. So, I’m listing it here and hope I get a chance to read it in the coming week.

Mercury and Me by Jim Hutton

I was huge fan of Queen and can still remember hearing that Freddie Mercury had died. I’m always keen to read biographies of artists I’m a fan of so I hope to pick this book up this week.

The Lonely City by Olivia Laing

I’ve wanted to read this for a while too but it’s one of those books where I feel I’ll get the most out of it if I pick it up at the right time. I’m really drawn to it at the moment and given my current mood I think now might be the time so I intend to start this once I’ve finished one of my current reads.



What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Which books are you looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

Weekly Wrap-Up (12 Nov)

Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted

This week has been one of those weeks that has disappeared and I’m not sure where it went. My husband had a week off, which was nice. I also had a Grey’s Anatomy marathon starting last weekend as I saw an ad for season 14 and realised that I hadn’t seen Season 13 (it’s because we had a year away from Sky)! So as the episodes were only going to be available until Tuesday I had to get them seen. I’m caught up now but have series linked the new series as my brain needs a small TV break before I watch the new episodes! All the TV watching has eaten into my reading time but I have still managed to finish some books this week.


This week I’ve finished reading three books:

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Life by David Cavanagh

I’ve been dipping in and out of this book for a few weeks now but this week I got so engrossed in it that I finished the last third of the book in one sitting. I really enjoyed this book, but it was sad to get to the end and be reminded all over again that John Peel is gone.

The Emperor of all Maladies by Siddharta Mukherjee

I read the whole of this book this week and it was brilliant. It’s quite a long book, and it does have a lot of detail and yet it doesn’t feel heavy-going. I found it utterly fascinating and am now planning to read the author’s book on genes in the coming months.

It’s Not Yet Dark by Simon Fitzmaurice

I’ve had this book on my TBR for a while and hadn’t picked it up because there was a brief time when MND was considered as a possible cause of my symptoms, and just the thought of it was terrifying. This book is incredible and is one that will really stay with me. It’s both sad and uplifting, and it’s always inspiring – I recommend it.


This week I’ve blogged three times:


Sunday: Weekly Wrap-Up Post

Wednesday: WWW Wednesday Post

Thursday: Review of Aches and Gains: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming your Pain by Paul J. Christo


This is what I’m currently reading:

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

I’ve had this on my TBR for ages and finally started reading it last night and I’m loving it. I’ve been reading bits out to my husband and now we both want to move to Denmark (and I’m only on chapter two!). I’m enjoying how this is a personal exploration of Jutland but includes info and stats about Denmark as a whole that really add to the reading experience.

A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke

I did say that I was only going to read non-fiction this month but Friday was a bit of a day so I needed escapism and my non-fiction picks weren’t cutting it. I’m enjoying this book, it’s been a good book to get lost in.

The Everything Store by Jeff Bezos

I have only read a couple more chapters of this book this week as I focused on the other books I was reading but I am still finding this really interesting and so will get back to it properly this coming week.



How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂

WWW Wednesdays (8 Nov)! What are you reading this week?

WWW pic

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading! All you have to do is answer three questions and share a link to your blog in the comments section of Sam’s blog.

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

A similar meme is run by Lipsyy Lost and Found where bloggers share This Week in Books #TWiB.


What I’m reading now:

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone
This is a really interesting book, full of insights into how Amazon came to be. I’m only a quarter of the way through so far but it’s definitely a book I’ll be reading more of very soon.
The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee
This is an incredible book! I’ve been hooked from the start and have learnt so many things. It’s quite a long book and it’s packed full of information and history but it’s written in such an accessible and interesting way. I should finish this in the next couple of days and I’ll miss reading it once I’ve finished it.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Britain by David Cavanagh

I’m still enjoying reading this book a few pages at a time, it’s making me feel nostalgic for John Peel’s brilliant radio shows.

What I recently finished reading:

It’s Not Yet Dark by Simon Fitzmaurice

This book is so beautiful; it’s heartbreaking and life-affirming at the same time. I’ve put off reading this book for such a long time as I thought it might be too much for me but now I wish I’d picked it up sooner. This is definitely a book that I will keep and I know I’ll re-read it in the future. I’m going to try and review this one if I can get my thoughts together.

This House of Grief by Helen Garner

This was a hard book to read, in an emotional sense, and I needed a break in the middle of it but I’m so glad that I picked it back up. It was fascinating to read the story of a trial from the viewpoint of a journalist watching it all unfold. I think this may become one of my favourite non-fiction books.

A History of Britain in 21 Women by Jenni Murray

This was the first book I finished for Non-fiction November and I enjoyed it. It was interesting to see which women someone else picks as the most influential and interesting in British history.  I didn’t agree with all of her choices but it was fascinating to learn more about all of these women.

What I plan on reading next:

A Pound of Paper by John Baxter

I’m planning on picking this book up next as I think my brain could do with a slightly lighter non-fiction book after finishing The Emperor of All Maladies and It’s Not Yet Dark. I’m excited to curl up with a book about books and reading on these colder, darker evenings.

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

This is my other lighter, fun non-fiction read for this week. I’ve had this on my TBR for ages and am so keen to read it, especially as I’ve heard such good things about it.

Chase the Rainbow by Poorna Bell

This is a review book that I was sent a little while ago and I put it off due to the subject matter. I think it’s important to talk about mental health though so I’m going to try and read and review this book in the coming week or two.



What are you reading at the moment? Have you finished any good books recently? Which books are you looking forward to reading soon? Please feel free to join in with this meme and share your link below, or if you don’t have a blog please share in the comments below.

My (rather ambitious!) TBR for Non-Fiction November!


I’ve decided, at the last minute, to take part in #NonFictionNovember! I have a lot of non-fiction on my TBR so it seems like a good time to read more of it. I struggled to make an exact TBR as generally once I make a list of books to read my brain decides it wants to read anything but what’s on the list! This time I’ve picked a selection of books that I really like the sound of – I’ve deliberately picked more books than I’m able to read in a month in the hope that having more choice will keep me on track. I do have some fiction to read and review so I may not read exclusively non-fiction but I aim to mostly read it in November.

I’ve predominantly picked books that I owned before 2017 so that I can use these books towards my Goodreads Mount TBR Challenge as I haven’t managed to complete that as yet, hence why there aren’t any new books (other than review books) on this list. I’ve tried to make my list a mix of easier non-fiction to balance some of the more challenging books in the hope it keeps me on the non-fiction track for the most part!

#NonFictionNovember2017 was started by abookolive and Non Fic Books on YouTube.

Their prompts for this reading challenge are:





and you can interpret these prompts however you like.


Here’s my #NonFictionNovember TBR

Hystories by Elaine Showalter

This is one of my picks for the scholarship prompt. I first heard about Elaine Showalter when she was giving a talk at the university that I was about to start. I loved her talk and went on to read two of her books soon after. For some reason I never got around to reading this one so it seemed a good choice to aim for during this reading challenge.

Nothing is True and Everything is Possible by Peter Pomerantsev

This is another book that could possibly fit into scholarship as Russian politics is something I feel I should learn more about and this book looks like it could be an accessible way to start. It’s also a book that’s been on my TBR for a while so it’s time I picked it up.

Essays in Love by Alain de Botton

This is my pick for Love seeing as it has love in the title! I’ve had this on my TBR for a while too and it seemed a good pick for something to dip in and out of during this challenge to break up some of the heavier books on my TBR.

It’s Not Yet Dark by Simon Fitzmaurice

This book doesn’t really fit any of the challenges but it’s a book I’ve own for a long time and really want to read. It’s a book about the author being diagnosed with MND and how he has come to terms with how that has changed his life. I didn’t read it for a while because there was a time when this felt like it might be too close to home but that time has passed now and I feel ready to read this.

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

This book could fit into home as it’s a book about a couple making a new home for themselves in Denmark. I’ve wanted to read this for ages and so I’ve added it to this TBR for some light relief if I find myself needing it.

The Emperor of all Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee

This is my pick for substance as it’s a biography of cancer and looks at the way cells can go rogue within the human body. I’ve wanted to read this for so long but it’s a subject that I find really hard to read about. I’m using this challenge to push myself to read it at last because I feel sure it will be fascinating.

The Lonely City by Olivia Laing

This book is on my TBR simply because I really want to read it and I think it might have a different vibe to other books that I’ve picked and so might be good to change things up a bit.

Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life by Justine Picardie

I’ve had the lovely hardback of this book on my TBR for about seven years now and I have no idea why I haven’t read it yet as it’s a book I really wanted. I also love the author’s writing so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to fit this book in this month.

Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman

This is a recent buy but I’m so looking forward to reading that I’ve added it. I may well end up not reading this as I want to focus on books from before this year but I’ve put this on the list in case I get stuck at any point and then I know I can pick this up. It’s the book that inspired Roger Waters to write Amused to Death and as I love that album I am very keen to read this book!

Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan

This is another book that I’ve wanted to read for a long time and I don’t know why I haven’t done so as yet. I feel like this might be a one sitting read and so perfect for this reading challenge.

Mercury and Me by Jim Hutton

I do like memoirs and biographies so have added this one as it will break up the other books I have on my TBR. I’m a huge Freddie Mercury fan and can never resist books about him.

The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson

I love Jon Ronson’s books and this one is on a subject that fascinates me so I’m keen to see how he approaches it.

Small Acts of Disappearance by Fiona Wright

This is an essay collection that I’ve been looking forward to and it seemed like a good idea to have another book that can be read on and off throughout the month.

The Undertaker’s Daughter by Kate Mayfield

This is a memoir of Kate Mayfield and how it was to grow up living above a funeral parlour. It sounds like such an interesting read and when I flicked though it seems like a really accessible writing style so seems a good book to have on the list for a reading challenge.

Dear Cathy… Love, Mary by Catherine Conlon & May Phelan

This is a book of letters written between the two authors in the 1980s and it just sounds so wonderful and nostalgic. I can’t wait to read this one!

Selfish, Shallow and Self-Absorbed by Meghan Daum

This is a book that I bought ages ago now and really wanted to read but then the time never felt right. I’m really interested to read about women who’ve chosen not to have children though so a collection of essays seems like a good book to add to this challenge.

A Pound of Paper by John Baxter

This book has been on my TBR since before I had a Goodreads account (more than nine years). I’m mortified because it’s a book about a book addict and I feel sure I will love it. What’s more is that it’s in a lovely hardback edition and when I picked it off my shelf to make this TBR I just wanted to curl up with it right away. Therefore this book also fits the challenge of home for me because books are home to me.

Culture and Imperialism by Edward Said

This has also been on my TBR for a long time (more than ten years!). In fairness I have read some of it for my degree but I never sat down and read the whole book. I’ve kept it all this time so there must be something in me that still wants to read it so I’m including it in this TBR. I will just say that my edition has small text and my eyes aren’t great at the moment so this book may not get read this month but I’m including it on the list to keep it fresh in my mind so that it doesn’t languish on my TBR for another ten years!


I also have some Non-Fiction ARCs to read so I’ve included them in my reading plans too

Riot Days by  Maria Alyokhina

This is a book about the Russian band Pussy Riot and how they were imprisoned. It sounds like such a fascinating read and I’m keen to get to it soon. If I don’t manage to read it during this reading challenge, I will aim to have it read and reviewed before the end of this year.

The Day that went Missing by Richard Beard

This is a memoir of how the author looked back at what happened on the day his brother drowned and the aftermath. It sounds like a really moving book but it’s one I want to read soon.

Rest in Power by Sybrina Fulton & Tracy Martin

Trayvon Martin was shot dead whilst innocently walking home minding his own business; he was seventeen years old – it was such a shocking story on the news when it happened. This book is his story as told by his mum. I’m sure this will be a heartbreaking read but it’s important that books like this are read and spoken about.

The Book of Untruths by Miranda Doyle

This is Miranda Doyle’s memoir told through lies – this was all I needed to know about this book before I requested it on NetGalley! I’m so keen to read this book and hope to get to it this month.

Gone by Min Kym


Of Women: In the 21s Century by Shami Chakarabati

I just got and ARC of this book this week so I’m adding it to this list of books that I may get to this month. It does sound like it could be a very prescient book given what is happening at the moment with the #metoo so I’d like to read this soon if I can.

Chase the Rainbow by Poorna Bell

I was unexpectedly sent a copy of this book for review a little while ago and it sounded interesting so I added it to my TBR. The subject matter sounds tough as it’s about the author’s husband’s suicide but it’s so important to be more aware of mental health so I want to read this one soon.

Currently reading

This House of Grief by Helen Garner

I’ve been reading this book for the past few weeks but I had a spell where I just wanted to read fiction so it got put to one side. I picked it up again this week though and am back to being engrossed in it.

Good Night and Good Riddance: How Thirty-Five Years of John Peel Helped to Shape Modern Britain by David Cavanagh

This is a book that I’m dipping in and out of and it’s just wonderful. I highly recommend this if you love music and John Peel.

A History of Britain in 21 Women by Jenni Murray

This is an audiobook that I spotted when I was looking for non-fiction in my Audible cloud. I’d forgotten that I had this on my TBR but as soon as I saw it I knew I wanted to listen to it asap. I started listening to it today and am really enjoying it.

The Everything Store by Brad Stone

I can’t remember buying this book but it’s been on my TBR for ages. I started reading it last night and I think it could be a really interesting read.



Are you joining in with #NonfictionNovember2017? If you are I’d love to know what you plan on reading for this challenge.