WWW Wednesdays (21 Oct 20)! What are you reading?

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading!

Current Reads

I’m still in my reading slump so I’m not really reading much of anything. We watched the Netflix series based on Vulgar Favours: The Assassination of Gianni Versace over the weekend so I thought I’d pick the book up now. I hope I can get into it. I’m still reading If I Can’t Have You from last week. I’m enjoying it but just aren’t very motivated to read in general at the moment.

The Assassination of Gianni Versace by Maureen Orth

If I Can’t Have You by Charlotte Levin

Recent Reads

This is a blog tour book for next week so given how slow my reading is at the moment I thought I better start it right away. I ended up getting gripped and read it in two sittings. It’s such a different and stunning read and I really enjoyed it. I recommend it! I hoped this might break my reading slump if it hasn’t. At least I know if I find the exact right book for my mood I can still concentrate to read.

Once Again by Catherine Wallace Hope

What I Might Read Next

I don’t know what I’ll read next, I’m going to see whatever grabs my attention in the coming days. I’m thinking I might start on some festive reads as they tend to be more cosy and easy to get into.

8 thoughts on “WWW Wednesdays (21 Oct 20)! What are you reading?

  1. Glad to hear that ‘Once Again’ offered you a positive reading experience in the midst of your slump. I hope your next read will be as good.

    Take Care x

  2. I’m so sorry to hear that your reading mojo hasn’t come back yet, Hayley. I’ve had times like that, and it can get you down. I hope your candle is lit again soon.

  3. It must be the time of year because I’ve been slumpy on and off, too. I feel like the only thing that gets me out of it is a good romantic comedy read. I am reading a “deeper” read right now that I am loving from the moment I picked it up, though. I hope your slump goes away soon.

  4. Sorry about the slump. I’ve felt I’ve not had enough time for reading as work has got a bit intense and there have been a few things going on for people in my friendship group, so I can understand the lean towards cosy/seasonal books. In fact I’ve just remembered I got a NetGalley Christmas book that’s out soon and I need to read, which will be perfect.

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