WWW Wednesdays (14 Oct 20)! What are you reading?

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading!

Current Reads

My reading slump is continuing and seems to be getting worse so I’ve not read much more of Just Eat It since last week but I hope to get back to it soon. I treated myself to If I Can’t Have You as it’s a book I’ve been keen to read. I’m enjoying it but I’m still only reading it a few pages at a time.

If I Can’t Have You by Charlotte Levin

Just Eat It by Laura Thomas

Recent Reads

I’ve only managed to finish one book since last week and at least I can say it was a brilliant read. The New Jim Crow is a fascinating and eye-opening read, it’s one I highly recommend.

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

What I Might Read Next

I’m not sure what I might read next. My reading slump is worse than it was and I just don’t seem to be reading much of anything. I did treat myself to some new books over the last couple of days though in the hope that one of them might capture my interest. Watch this space (and please cross your fingers that one of them gets my reading mojo back)!

7 thoughts on “WWW Wednesdays (14 Oct 20)! What are you reading?

  1. Slumps are the worst. I feel I am tired of a certain type of books so now I am shifting to gentle reads hoping then I might enjoy my thrillers more

  2. Sorry to hear about the reading slump but I am glad that you are still able to read even if not at the your usual pace. I hope your next reads will be good. Take care x

  3. So sorry to hear you’re still in a reading slump, Hayley. I’m glad at least that the one book you did read was excellent. Hopefully, reading a few pages at a time will gently get you back in the reading mojo, especially if If I Can’t Have You turns out to be excellent, too.

  4. So sorry about the book slump. Are you OK in yourself? I know a lot of people (me included) are finding the current new restrictions and worries really hard. I know you have your lovely supportive husband and I hope you have real-life people to do doorstep hellos and calls. I DNFd two books this week which has knocked my stats a bit wonky – I THINK it’s because they were bad, not because I was in a state, although who really knows these days!

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