WWW Wednesdays (28 Oct 20)! What are you reading this week?

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading!

Current Reads

The Clause in Christmas by Rachael Bloome

I started reading this last night and am enjoying it. It’s a cute festive romance read and I’m keen to read more.

Vulgar Favours: The Assassination of Gianni Versace by Maureen Orth

I’ve read a few more chapters of this since last week and am finding it fascinating. I just wish my concentration was better and my reading slump would go so I could read more of it.

Recent Reads

I haven’t finished reading anything this week as my slump is continuing.

What I Might Read Next

I don’t know what I’ll read next, I just hope I find something that holds my attention. I think Christmas reads are going to be the way to go so I’ll see what I have and which catch my attention.

8 thoughts on “WWW Wednesdays (28 Oct 20)! What are you reading this week?

  1. I’m glad you’re enjoying what you’re reading, Hayley. Hopefully you’ll hit just that something that will bring back your reading mojo.

  2. I’ve just read A Surprise Christmas Wedding by Philippa Ashley and really enjoyed the Lake District setting though there’s an illness thread in it that gives a few worries. But it’s a good Christmas read, from NetGalley. I’m on a Mrs Tim book (… Gets a Job) by D.E. Stevenson at the moment, I couldn’t decide which of several books to start and then just went rogue with one that wasn’t any of them!

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