WWW Wednesdays (9 Sep 20)! What are you reading at the moment?

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading!

Current Reads

I’m trying out reading one book at a time at the moment. I like being in the middle of lots of books but my brain just isn’t up for that right now so I’m hoping reading one at once will help. It feels very strange!

Dead To Her by Sarah Pinborough

Recent Reads

I really focused my mind on finishing off the numerous books that I’ve had part-read for a while now so I managed to do that. My husband is now no longer on furlough and is working from home so I’m listening to more audiobooks during the day, which is helping me read more. I’m still struggling to read ebooks but am enjoying listening to books.

Dear Reader by Cathy Rentzenbrink

Watch Over You by M. J. Ford

Precious You by Helen Monks Takhar

The Storm by Amanda Jennings

Here is the Beehive by Sarah Crossan

Spring by Ali Smith

The Upstairs Room by Kate Murray-Browne

What I Might Read Next

I don’t know what I’ll read next as I’m still reading by whim but I know that audiobooks are better for me at the moment so I’ve picked three audiobooks this week that are catching my eye the most, and then one ebook (The Turn of the Key) that I can read at night.

The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware

I Thought I Knew You by Penny Hancock

Lethal White by Robert Galbraith

Writers and Lovers by Lily King

33 thoughts on “WWW Wednesdays (9 Sep 20)! What are you reading at the moment?

  1. You have some great reads there, Hayley! I want to read the Ware, myself. It’s interesting, isn’t it, how format can change how we feel about a book. I’m glad you have plenty of books on audio, so you can experience them even when the physical reading isn’t happening for you.

    • Thank you! I love audiobooks, they help me keep reading when my hands aren’t able to hold a book or my kindle. I’m finding they’re still enjoyable to me when I’m in a reading slump too, which is good. I haven’t managed to start Ruth Ware yet but I’m still looking forward to it.

  2. Hope the one-book strategy is going well for you! I just finished Elizabeth von Arnim’s “Father” which I think reviews tomorrow (I did some scheduling then moved things around). I am currently reading Angela Thirkell’s “Marling Hall” as I work through the Second World War with her, and then Gareth Rees’ “Unofficial Britain” which is psychogeography and pretty dark and so not for reading in bed at night or at mealtimes! Next I need to take something off the physical TBR, esp as I will have some Confessions soon …

    • Thank you! The one book at a time plan is going okay but my reading is so much slower than normal that I feel a bit disheartened at the moment. It’s that feeling where I want to read but just can’t seem to a lot of the time. Unofficial Britain sounds really interesting, I’ll look out for your review of that one once you’ve read it.

      • I’ve sent my review in to Shiny so should be posting about it soon! I hope you can get your reading mojo back a little more each day. Take care of yourself!

  3. The Turn of the Key sounds so interesting to me. I’m a one book at a time person. It helps me focus better for reviewing. Happy reading!

  4. Gosh you’ve done well! Loads of books! I really struggle with audiobooks, I find I drift off too much. It’s great that you can concentrate on them so well, super post! 😊👍🏻

    • Thank you 🙂 It was lots of finishing off books so felt satisfying to get them off my currently reading shelf on GoodReads. I love audiobooks, I find them so engrossing and usually don’t drift off when listening. I did have to learn to like them originally though but it got easier with time. x

  5. Look at how many books you have recently read 😮 amazing!! I can only read one book at a time I don’t know how to add more when already reading one. Your next reads look so good am going to have to check them out. Are you enjoying your current read?

    • It looks like a lot but it was mainly finishing books off. I like to have lots of different genres on the go so I’m always in the mood to read one of them. So when I finish my non-fiction book I add another one in etc. It’s how I’ve always read ever since I was little. I think I just can’t resist starting new books. I’m now reading Writers and Lovers and am really enjoying it. The book I was reading last week (Dead to Her) was an okay read, I enjoyed it but it wasn’t as good as the author’s previous books.

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