That Was The Month That Was… August 2020!

I really can’t get my head around the fact that it is September already, where has this year gone?! There have been weeks and months (particularly at the start of lockdown) that dragged by and yet the year itself has flown by.

August was spent much the same as July really. We watched the rest of the football season, we binge watched some more series (the new Dirty John about Betty Broderick on Netflix and The Looming Tower which has been on our SkyQ box since it aired early last year.

I did finally take my first trip out into the world for the first time in almost six months last week. My husband took me for a short drive around where we live. It still feels scary to me to be out and about after six months of shielding but it was good to make that first step into the outside world.

I’m struggling with my reading again at the moment. I’m enjoying what I’m reading and I want to be reading but I keep finding other things to do instead. I’m just going with it for now and reading by whim and hoping to avoid another reading slump.

I read 18 books in August, which is less than I had been reading but is still a lot of books.

The Books I read

My August Blog Posts

Book Haul (1 Aug)

July Wrap-Up

WWW Wednesdays (5 Aug)

Review: The Summer of Madness by Alexander Raphael

Book Haul (8 Aug)

Review: The Lost Love Song by Minnie Darke

Audiobook Review: All My Lies Are True by Dorothy Koomson

WWW Wednesdays (12 Aug)

Audiobook Review: Under a Starry Sky by Laura Kemp

Review: Summerwater by Sarah Moss

Book Haul (15 Aug)

Mini Book Reviews: The Holdout by Graham Moore, The Night Swim by Megan Goldin, The New Girl by Harriet Walker, & Where We Belong by Anstey Harris

WWW Wednesdays (19 Aug)

Book Haul (22 Aug)

Review: Eight Detectives by Alex Pavesi

WWW Wednesdays (26 Aug)

Book Haul (29 Aug)

How was August for you? I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well and that the month has been okay. What was your favourite book from August? I’d love to know what you’ve been reading so please comment below. 

19 thoughts on “That Was The Month That Was… August 2020!

  1. I’m s glad you’ve had the chance to get out for a bit Hayley, even if only for a bit. And I know what you mean about not reading the way you’re used to reading, even if you’re enjoying it. Sometimes the body needs a break, and I think you’re wise to go with that, if that’s what you need. In the meantime, you do have some great books there when you’re ready to get back to it.

    • Thank you, it was lovely to see the outside world again. I don’t feel safe about going anywhere else as yet but at least getting out in the car is a change of scene. I think I just have a lot going on at the moment and reading just isn’t appealing to me. I enjoy it when I’m reading but I don’t often feel like picking up a book. Hopefully it’s just a small blip.

  2. 18 books is impressive. I hope you enjoyed most of them. Glad to hear that you were able to go out for a bit, Hayley. Enjoy the new month ❤

  3. I think it feels scary too going out too. I’ve really only been to doctor and dentist appts with a few other day trips and some volunteer work. Nothing like before.❤️

    • I’m sorry you feel like that too but I’m glad to know I’m not alone. I just can’t get my head around the idea of going into a busy shop yet. It was nice to get out in the car for a little while though so I’m going to do that regularly for now. x

  4. Pingback: That Was The Month That Was… September 2020! | RatherTooFondofBooks

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