WWW Wednesdays (4 Nov 20)! What are you reading?

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open for anyone to join in and is a great way to share what you’ve been reading!

Current Reads

I’m still in the midst of the horrible reading slump but am continuing to keep trying to read. These are the three books that I find myself in the middle of this week!

Let’s Do It by Jasper Rees

I was thrilled to get the audiobook of this from NetGalley recently and am very much enjoying listening to it. I was a huge fan of Victoria Wood so it’s lovely to learn more about her life.

If Every Day Was Christmas by Donna Ashcroft

I’ve only just started this one but I’m really enjoying it so far. I do love a good Christmas read!

Vulgar Favours by Maureen Orth

I haven’t read much more of this one this week but I hope to get back to it soon.

Recent Reads

The Clause in Christmas by Rachael Bloome

I managed to finish reading a book this week, the first in a few weeks now, and I did enjoy it. It’s a really sweet festive romance all set in December so it’s one to read if you want to start feeling Christmassy!

What I Might Read Next

Fifty Fifty by Steve Cavanagh

I don’t really know what I’ll read next but I’m enjoying watching the book series Between the Covers on BBC2 and this was their featured book last week. It reminded me all over again how much I wanted to read this so I think I might try and pick this up next.

4 thoughts on “WWW Wednesdays (4 Nov 20)! What are you reading?

  1. Fifty Fifty sounds intriguing, Hayley! I’ll be particularly interested in what you think of that. And I’ve always wondered about the Versace murder, so that one interests me quite a lot, too. Lots to really like here!

  2. Nice books, I did a Christmassy one last week and have FOUR more sitting on my pile but saving them for some time off. I’ve been working on a big non-fiction book called “Work” (haha) all week but also reading “The Secret Teacher” which was OK but not brilliant. Now on “Dear Martin” so I can read my NetGalley copy of “Dear Justyce” – I think you’ve read both of these, haven’t you?

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