Weekly Wrap-Up (12 March)


Weekly Wrap up SQUARE copyrighted

This week has been a better week than last. I had a bad weekend last weekend coping with medication changes but once my body adjusted the last few days have been okay.


On Tuesday I went to the cinema with my husband to watch Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars and it was brilliant. First, they showed a new interview with Woody Woodmansey about his time in the Spiders and his new book (which I’ve read and reviewed so you can read that here if you’d like to). Then they showed the whole concert from 1973. We also got given a souvenir edition of Mojo magazine with Bowie on the cover. I suffered with higher pain levels for a couple of days afterwards but it was absolutely worth it. (photo is pinched from my husband’s instagram: StaticVinyl because he takes much better photos than me!)

This week I’ve finished reading eight books:

(Some of these books I’ve been reading on and off for a few weeks so whilst I finished eight books this week, I haven’t actually read eight books in full over the last seven days)

And the Sun Shines Now by Adrian Tempany

I’ve been reading this book for the last month and have found it really interesting for the most part. A couple of chapters held less interest for me than others but generally this was a very good book about football and the politics surrounding it. I’d recommend it to all football fans.

The Best We could Do by Thi Bui

This is a graphic memoir, which is fascinating and heartbreaking. I got this for review so will try and have a full review up soon. It’s one I recommend though.

Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney

This book grabbed hold of me and didn’t let go – I literally read it in one sitting and was engrossed the whole way through. I’ll be reviewing this one soon.

Days Without End by Sebastian Barry

This book has been on my currently reading for a few weeks as I was struggling to hold the hardback copy to read it. I had a fairly good afternoon one day this week so I picked it up and I was captivated by the novel. I completely and utterly fell in love with this story and know it will be one that stays with me for a very long time.

The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman by Mindy Mejia

This is another book at I devoured. I read it in two sittings and loved it. I’m on the blog tour for this book next week (16 March) so will be sharing my review then.

Apple Tree Yard by Louise Doughty

I bought this book when it first came out and I couldn’t get into it so put it to one side. I’d heard good things about it though so I didn’t get rid of my copy. It’s recently been adapted for TV in the UK and the adverts for it re-ignited my interest in the book. I picked this up late one morning this week and I literally lost half a day to the book – I did nothing from when I picked it up to when I finished it. It just hooked me from the start. I’m so pleased that I gave this book another chance. I can only assume that when I picked it up the first time that it was just the wrong time for me because this was absolutely a 5 star read!

The Little Shop of Happy-Ever-After by Jenny Colgan

This was my audio book for the last couple of weeks and I adored it. It’s such a gorgeous story about a mobile book shop and is perfect when you need a bit of escapism.

Willow Walk by SJI Holliday

This is the second book in the Banktoun trilogy and I read this in one sitting. It grabbed me with the opening and I simply had to know what had happened. I have the third book, The Damselfly, on my TBR and I don’t think it’ll be too long before I read that one.

This week I’ve blogged five times:

Sunday: Weekly Wrap-Up

Monday: Review of The Escape by C.L. Taylor

Wednesday: WWW Wednesdays

Friday: Review of The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel

Saturday: Stacking the Shelves


This is what I’m currently reading:

Now We Are 40 by Tiffanie Darke

I haven’t hauled this book yet as I got it yesterday after my Stacking the Shelves was posted. I’m loving it though – I’m not quite 40 yet but this is my generation and all the music and cultural references are bringing back so many memories. I don’t think I’ll be long in finishing this book.

The Cutaway by Christina Kovac

I started this late last night and found it really captured my attention straight away. It seems like it’ll be a slow-burn but it’s intriguing from the off so I’m keen to get back to it.

Little Deaths by Emma Flint

I’ve had this on my TBR pile since the end of last year and I’m so glad to finally be getting around to it. I’m only about a quarter of the way through it so far but it’s got me hooked and I really want to know how it’s all going to turn out.

Portrait of Bowie by Brian Hiatt

I picked this up after we watched the Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars concert as I was in the mood to read something about David Bowie. This is a lovely book, with some really nice photos of him, all written by people who knew him. I’m really enjoying reading this.

Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner

I got approved for this on NetGalley and decided to pick it up straight away. It’s not exactly what I thought it was going to be, and I’m struggling to really get into it a little but I’ve seen good reviews so I’m going to keep going and hope it improves soon.

Year of No Clutter by Eve Schaub

I haven’t picked this up for a few days and I’m not sure why. I enjoyed what I read initially but it’s just not calling me back to it. I will read more of it soon though as I do like a book about clutter.

One of Us by Asne Seierstad

This is still a fascinating book – I’ve struggled a bit with heavier non-fiction this week so I’ve not read as much of this as I’d have liked to but I’ll definitely be getting back to this soon.

Not Dead Yet by Phil Collins

This is the audio book that I’m listening to with my husband and we’ve not had much chance to listen this week but we’re both really enjoying it so will be getting back to it as soon as we have the time.



Update on my TBR…

TBR at the start of January 2017: 1885 (see my State of the TBR post)

TBR in last week’s Wrap-Up: 1870


Books bought/received for review/gifts: 7 (See the books I added this week in my Stacking the Shelves post)


Books read this week: 8

Books I’m currently reading: 8

TBR Books culled this week: 0


TBR now stands at: 1871


I’m linking this post up to Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer’s Sunday Blog Share.  It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.



How has your week been? What have you been reading? Please share in the comments below. If you write a wrap-up on your blog please feel free to share the link. 🙂


35 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap-Up (12 March)

  1. Well that does sound like a good week! Good to see you are feeling a little bit better and it just goes to show sometimes the time isn’t right for a particular book and it is worth trying again!

  2. I’m very glad to hear that this was a better week than last week. And you do have some great books there. I keep hearing so many good things about Sometimes I Lie. I’m really looking forward to your review, as this is definitely something I may put on the TBR.

    • Thank you. It was so lovely to go out with my husband and to have a week that wasn’t filled with medical stuff. Sometimes I Lie had me hooked all the way through and I didn’t figure out what was going on until it happened, which doesn’t happen very often. I’m hoping to get my review posted soon.

  3. So glad you had a nice evening out! 🙂 It sounds like you had such a great time!
    I can’t wait for your reviews of Sometimes I Lie and The Best We Could Do. I now want to read Apple Tree Yard and then see the adaptation to scream at the screen, haha.
    My week was tiring but okay, a few changes, and a couple of naps! 🙂 Have a nice week, Hayley xxx

    • Thank you, it was a brilliant night. It was our first night out in months so was especially lovely.
      I’m half-way through writing my review of The Best We Could Do so hopefully I’ll get that finished and posted soon. I’m still pondering on Sometimes I Lie – I don’t want to give spoilers but then it’s hard to know what to say without giving anything away. Hopefully I’ll get my review up fairly soon.
      I’m sorry that your week was tiring, it’s good to have naps sometimes – it can help you get through. I often have a short nap in the late afternoon – otherwise I can’t keep my eyes open as the evening goes on (I sound old now… haha!)
      Hope you have a nice week too 🙂 xx

  4. I’m in awe of how many books you read a week! This week has been so manic for me, Im still reading my third book of the month 🙈 lol. Looking forward to your review for Sometimes I Lie, I won that in a Twitter giveaway.

    • I have time on my hands to read with all the medical stuff I have going on so I’m getting through a lot more books at the moment than I used to do. Three books in under two weeks is a lot when you’re so busy.
      I’m pondering on what to write about Sometimes I Lie at the moment as I don’t want to give anything away in my review. It’s hard to review thrillers sometimes, isn’t it? I definitely recommend it though.

    • Thank you. I was surprised at how many books I finished over the last week, but I did have a few half-read before the week started. I recommend The Little Shop of Happy-Ever-After – it’s a lovely, heartwarming story. Hope you have a great week too 🙂

  5. You read eight books? That was me before grandbabies…lol I loved Ziggy Stardust, and I am glad you had fun. Meds are such fickle things…glad you are all sorted. Hope the week ahead is wonderful!

    • I did, but some of them I’d read half of before this week. I have lots of time to read at the moment due to the rest required after my various medical treatments. Ziggy Stardust was brilliant, it was great to see the concert on the big screen. Thank you so much. I hope you have a great week ahead too. 🙂

    • Thank you. I’m really enjoying listening to a book with my husband. He doesn’t enjoy reading but I often read things that I know he’d love so he’s started looking for audio versions to listen to. This was a book I hadn’t already read so we decided to listen together. It’s nice to listen to a few chapters and then chat about it for a little while.

  6. Great wrap up. Nearly had me having kittens then wondering how you read eight books in a week lol. Your TBR still gives me palpitations thought. I thought 300 was bad 😉

  7. A great wrap up, I’m so glad the medication changes have had a chance to bed in and you are feeling a bit better. As always I’m in awe and just a little jealous of how much you can read in a week! Much love for the next week.

    • Thank you. I’m back adjusting the meds again today so feeling a bit ropey – I’m changing the dose a bit slower this time so hoping it doesn’t make me feel quite so bad this time. Did you get your meds sorted? I hope you did. I have lots of time to read with being housebound, and I listen to audio books whenever I’m doing anything. Love to you too.

      • Oh no!! Good luck, honestly it feels never ending sometimes doesn’t it? Yes got the meds sorted, well except Boots didn’t have any of them in stock! 😂 So will have them tomorrow, hooray!

        • It does feel never-ending at the moment – I’ve got at least another 2-3 months of this but hopefully it’ll be worth it. How frustrating that Boots didn’t have your meds in stock – I’ve had that happen before too. Hope you got sorted though.

  8. Glad you’re feeling better and getting things back on track. Your book haul this week I thought was quite restrained given some of your recent weeks. And you still mangaed to read in a week more than you acquired. That will NEVER happen with me unless I have a week when I only acquire one or two, and that has never happened in living memory 🙂

    • Thank you. I’ve got a lot of medication changes in the coming months so am determined to make the most of the better days in between.
      It’s rare for me to read more books than I acquire in a week – it’ll be back to normal this week though as I’ve finally spent my birthday vouchers on some new books.

  9. Glad to hear your adjusting is going well. I hope your pain continues to improve. Your cinema night sounds so fun! And still jealous of your reading speed!

  10. Pingback: Weekly Wrap-Up (19 March) | RatherTooFondofBooks

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