Book Beginnings


Book beginnings is a meme set up by Rose City Reader. Every Friday post the first line of the book you’re reading along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Then add a link to your post on Rose City Reader’s blog.

My Book Beginning

Pretending to Dance by Diane Chamberlain


‘I’m a good liar. I take comfort in that fact as Aidan and I sit next to each other on our leather sectional, so close together that our thighs touch.’

The thing that strikes me most about this opener is how the narrator openly admits that she is not only a liar but that she takes comfort in being good at it. This is very intriguing and straight away I want to know more about her and how she has come to be comforted by her ability to lie so well. Most people feel guilty about telling lies so I absolutely want to keep reading to find out whether she is a horrible person, or if she is lying to protect others. I want to know what her story is. I’m also intrigued by Aidan, the fact they are sitting so close would imply they are a couple, so I want to know if she is lying to him or if the lies are something he is involved in. I can’t wait to get back to this novel and find out more about these people.

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